"Yea I'm fine." I answer, taking my winged books from the girl in front of me.

Emmy smirks knowingly and turns her focus back to her note taking and leans forward on her elbows.  Her long curly  bottle blonde hair, falling over her shoulders and onto her desk. Emmy is the same age as me, with the addition of four more inches in height and a personality that makes her even taller.

Connor reaches his arm behind Emms chair and places his hand on my shoulder, gently squeezing to get my attention. I smile reassuringly back at him but Connor's face is a picture of concern.

"I'm okay, honest." I whisper. He gives my shoulder one last squeeze and drops his hand to my back, running his fingers in tiny circles, easing some of my tension. He picks up his pen in his other hand and recommences his notes.

Taking a few calming breaths, I feel my pulse returning to normal.  I nervously take a sideways look out if the window, and am relieved to see no bird. Relaxing more so, I try and rejoin the lesson and catch up in my own note taking. Picking up my note book and pen off the floor, I hear a deep and low chuckle coming from behind me. I turn my head around to find 'smirky guy' shaking his head and tsking at me. Instantly blushing scarlet, I spin back to the front . Thankfully the lesson ends shortly after this.

Walking out into the busy halls, Emmy spins around and shrieks with a hint of amusement in her voice "What the hell was that, Kali?"

"I don't know, Emm, honestly." I answer. Connor has his arm wrapped around my shoulder protectively.  "I just, I was staring out the window at this huge black crow or raven or whatever it was. It was strange. It was as if it was staring at me. Then it opened it's wings and I swear it's eyes changed colour and it squarked at me . It scared the shit out of me. It made me jump a god damn mile. That's how I knocked he books off the desk." I explain, embarrassed at having to explain my freak out.

"More like fell asleep and dreamed the entire thing!!" Emmy laughs.

Connor kisses the top of my head and adds "Sounds like you were dreaming, babe." He says in such a way it's almost condescending.

"Connor I've never fallen  asleep in class, ever!!" I protest. In 2yrs of boring and neverending, brain numbing lectures, I've never dosed off... EVER.

"Hey it's fine. Come on let's grab a coffee from the cart before the next class starts." Connor suggests.

"I suppose so." I huff in disappointment.  I wasn't asleep. I try and rationalise what happened in my mind, but all I see is those beady haunting eyes. I wasn't asleep, I'm certain... could I have dosed off briefly?  NO. I continue questioning it, but I feel the beginings of a  headache. I give in for now and try not to let it get to me.. Perhaps I was dreaming?!

Coffee did help marginally. Well, enough to get us through the last two classes of the day. We parted ways with Emmy immediately after the last lesson. Now that I live with Connor, there was no reason to car share. Connor and I headed home in a slight dase. Both of us too exhausted by the demands of the course to say much.

Walking home I couldn't help but keep a look out for that creepy bird, still unconvinced that it was a dream.

Entering the flat, I walk straight to the sofa and collapse onto it. Connor makes a bee line for the fridge and grabs a couple of beers.

Connor sits on the sofa with me amd I rest my legs across his knees as he hands me a beer. "Hey babe, you fancy pizza or Chinese takeaway? I'm too wiped to cook. Or we can always go out?"

"Do you mind if we stay in? I have a headache from hell and I just feel like lounging around. You can go out if you want though." I state hoping he will want to stay in too.

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