We're Not Just Higschoolers Anymore...

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Its just another normal day but it feels different, somehow, someway, i dont really know. All i know is im feeling extremely wierd on a normal day. Im leaving school and getting on the bus as i hear someone screaming my name. "Alicia!!!!!! Alicia!!!!!" i turn around and see someone running towards me. I stand still and wait for them to catch up to me. It turns out my best friend Haley is the one screaming and running. When she reaches me shes completely out of breath. I give her a questioning look and say "what?" she holds one finger up and eventually catches her breath and says, "just come with me." she grabs my wrist and pulls me away from the bus. "haley, are you crazy?!?!" i ask her in a paniced tone. "yes, actually i am." she says smiling. I roll my eyes and let her pull me along. My mind wanders and eventually lands on the lovely Harry Styles. He's in my favorite band, One Direction. I dont know what it is about him that i love, but i just do. Haley and i met the boys once when we accidently bumped into them one summer when visiting Holden Beach in North Carolina. Haley and Niall really clicked, but we didnt get their numbers. Me and Harry also became really good friends, he knew a lot about me, from the school i currently go to to the first time i got in trouble as a child. Im daydreaming about a perfect future with Harry as Haley stops and i run into her. I snap back into reality and before us is a huge black limo with a ton of preps surrounding it. Its then i see seven heads. Two are females and the others are boys. Its then Eleanor and Danielle step out of the crowd and envelope me and Haley in bear hugs. We hug them back and they say hello, introducing themselves and allowing us to introduce ourselves. They say they already know who we are and that they've heard a lot about us. Haley is obviously trying NOT to blush, but i knew i was. Eleanor then says, "Come on dear, let's get in the limo." Danielle then adds, "We've go something to show you." Eleanor grabs my wrist and Danielle grabs Haley's, leading us through the crowd. The five male heads have disappeared, leaving us to wonder what they had in store for us. 

** We're squeezing through the crowded circle, and girl after girl are giving us dirty looks. Since me and Haley are used to people lookimg at us like that, it means nothing. Eleanor and Danielle are pushimg people out of the way and the crowd just keeps gettimg angrier and angrier. One of the girls me and Haley happen to hate the most, Sara Wright, shoots us the most hateful look we've gotten so far during this whole thing. Sara then rolls her eyes and turns to her friend, Amber Deihl, (whom we also despise) and says "Oh my god. Like they would ever choose tho-" Eleanor cut her off by giving her a disapproving look and says, "Oh dearie, please get a mirror and examine yourself before you say such crude remarks about our friends." She then gives them a fake, sweet smile and continues shoving her way through the crowd. 

After about three more rows of people and about a gagillion dirty, hateful, or judging looks from the prep group of all four grades, we finally reach the front of the crowd and sitting in the limo doors is Harry Styles, Niall Horan, Liam Payne, Zayn Malik, and Louis Tomlinson. They're signing autographs for the whores named Casey Ellis, Caitlin Henson, and Brittany Jack. Harry and Niall look as if they never want someone like them near the band again. Liam looks up from signing his name and he smiles, waving us over. The whores give us all dirty looks and we just smile back at them. Zayn elbows Harry and Niall in the side amd they look up to see me and Haley with Eleanor and Danielle. They immediately light up at the sight of us, and jump up to envelope us in the BEST hug i've ever recieved. All the preps surrounding us gasped when they hugged us. After Harry and Niall give us our hugs, so do Louis, Liam, and Zayn. We all are smiling and hugging as one of the preps step foward. "Excuse me, but you've got other fans here that want to talk to you all." Says a familiar voice. Danielle and Eleanor ignore the girl, but me and Haley turn around only to see Breann Bays, yet ANOTHER girl niether Haley nor I like. Haley smiles a sarcastic smile amd says, "Lemme just say, you need to quit being a bitch and get the hell over yourself." Niall's eyes widen as Haley expresses her feelings towards ms. Breann. I'm trying to contain my laughter as Breann steps closer to Haley, getting in her face. "Why don't you make me?" 'Bad idea.....' i think to myself. Next, Haley would be her normal self and push Breann. Breann pushes her back, and this pushes Haley over the edge and so of course, Haley decks her and she falls to the ground. Everyone was 'oooooooohhhhhhh-ing' and as Breann got back up, we could see her lip was busted and it was gushing out blood. Haley tilted her and and smiled causing Breann to charge at her. All of a sudden, Paul is standing in front of Haley, and Breann crashes into him, and falls to the ground. She looks up and says, "The hell?!" Paul looks down at her with an evil glare and says, "Keep your grimy paws off the boys and their girlfriends." Me and Haley immediately look at eachother with wide eyes and her face is getting red as mine is starting to heat up and fast. I sneak a look at Harry and i can see him smiling that cheeky smile of his. I then push my tounge against my lower lip and give him a 'really? Really?' Look. He was trying to contain his laughter as Haley looked at Niall with raised eyebrows amd he just blushes madly. As i look back at Paul and Breann, i feel arms around my waist and a chin nuzzling athe area between my neck and shoulder. I know my face was heating up again, and i'm sure i was blushimg madly as i slighty turn my head to see who it was. Of course i get a faceful of curls and it turns out Harry was the one wrappng his arms around me. By now, i'm recieving the dirtiest looks of pure hatetrid EVER. I try to let them slide but they just keep coming even after Harry let me go. 

I was sick and tired of all the looks so I said, "What is your problem?!" I had accidently screamed that... Oops... The crowd gave me a wtf look, but of course there's always that one bitch that will do anything to get attention, even if it means getting her ass beat, and that bitch was Sara freaking Wright. God i really hate her. "My problem is you even being near MY boys." I laugh and say "YOUR boys?" "Yea MY boys." 'Oh hell no.' I thought to myself. I just wanted to beat the shit out of her, but me being somewhat civilized responded with, "Whose Kevin? Whose Paul? Who are the queens? What's Larry Stylinson? What's your opinion on carrots? How about cats? What is Nandos? How many R's? What song did they first sing together? Answer ALL of those questions correctly and then and ONLY then can you claim the boys as yours." I'm such a smartass... "Alright bitch. Kevin is just a nickname, Paul isn't real, well the queens are queen elizabeth and queen kate, Larry Stylinson is a nickname for Liam and Louis, ew carrots, cats smell, the fuck is Nandos, why R's? That's an easy one, You Don't Know Your Beautiful." Not only am I cracking up, but so are Danielle, Eleanor, Haley, Paul, and the boys. She looks at us and says, "What?" I take a deep calmig breath and say, "You got every single one of those questions wrong." "You're a lying, ugly, pathetic, stupid, slutty, moth-" I just couldn't take it anymore, so i jumped across what little distance we had between us, and jumped on her, sending her to the ground. Everyone made a circle around us as i punched her im the face repeatedly. Then i feel a hand on my shoulder and glance back to see Sara's little slave, Amber rearing her fist back as Haley puunces on her doing the same thing i'm doing to Sara. Once i see blood coming out of Sara's nose, there's aroms around me, pulling me off of her and dragging me backwards into the limo. I'm kicking and thrashing about, but that doesn't seem to bother whomever is dragging me away. I'm then swung up and over the persons shoudlers and turns out Harry is the one carrying me away. Louis is walkimg beside him, and i have a feeling it took both of them to pull me off of Sara. Oh well, i'm proud of what i just did. I've officialy beat the shit out of a Directionator. Harry then gently tosses me in the back of the limo and climbs in after me, followed by Louis. I look out the window and see Niall and Liam pull Haley off of Amber and Niall throw her over his shoulder. Haley looks pretty pissed, but i know her and its not because Niall and Liam stoped her from hospitalizing Amber. 

Haley is sat in the limo beside me and Paul looks as if he's yelling at the bleeding Sara and Amber. "You know what? Fuck them. They're fake whores." says an angry Haley. I can't help but laugh at her comment because it's true. Niall gives Haley a stern look but she just shrugs it off. Amber is looking at the ground out of shame and Sara has that ugly duck face on. I go to get out of he limo but Harry grabs my wrist and gives me a stern look. I nod and he let's me go. I get out of the limo and everybody gasps. I roll my eyes and say, "You know what? FUCK YOU BITCHES. YOU WANNA GO? WE'LL GO. DO YOU WANT TO END UP LIKE THE LITTLE SHOW CHOIR WHORES OVER THERE?" Nobody answered and so I said, "That's wh-" I'm cut off by little miss priss pants, Caitlin Henson stepping foward and saying, "I should be in that limo instead of your ugly ass." Oh hell no. This shit was NOT gonna fly with me. She starts running at me and when she's less than a foot away, i step to the side and stick my arm out, allowing her dumbass to run into it. God, she's such a fucking idiot. She hits her neck on my forearm and falls backwards hitting her head in the pavement. I wipe my hands off on my shorts and say, "Do you need ANOTHER examle? Nobody answers and so i say, "Good. That's what i thought." I turn around and get back in the limo. As soon as the door clicks shut, everyone cracks up in laughter. I blush and say, "It's their own fault." That just makes them laugh even more. Paul taps on the window and Zayn rolls it down. Zayn and Paul are talking and so i turn to Harry and smile and say, "I'm sorry for my behavior... it's okay if you just want to dro-" He grabs my face in his hands and he kisses me . Since we're sitting across from each other, everyone outside can see our first kiss. Haley, Niall, Louis, Eleanor, Liam, Danielle, Zayn, and Paul all go awwwwwwwwh. As the circle of girls outside gasp and scream NO. He has yet to pull away and soon he starts to pull me over to him and in no time, i'm on his lap kissing him. His tongue is begging for entrance, so i let it in. Soon, the screams of the girls begin to grow louder. We break our kiss to look out the window only to see an angry mob of girls taking out their jewelry and getting ready to fight. Zayn quickly rolls up the window and Paul swiftly makes his way to the drivers seat. He's putting his seatbelt on as he's starting to drive away as the mob advances towards us. Paul is driving up the road and they're STILL following us... We're at Ona Elementary when they finnaly stop chasing us. Everyone lets out a long breath we didn't realize we were holding.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2012 ⏰

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