Chapter 1

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A week after getting a phone call from my Nan I got off the train in London. I haven't been back since I was 18. Ten long years have passed, but London was as I remembered. It was too crowded and filled with noise. It probably had more red buses than actual cars. People were bumping into each other all the time. There were people of different colours, nationalities and religion. It was chaotic. It was glorious.

I took the Tube to Hackney. Nan's flat was just a short walk from the station, but with all my stuff it felt like forever before I got there. I could already feel beads of sweat gathering on my hairline. As I was dragging my luggage up the stairs, I started wondering for the hundredth time why I agreed to this.

I was completely fine living my boring life in a quiet coastal town. It suited me just fine. But the fact is that you could not say "no" to my Nan. So, when she called me with her crazy plan I had no choice but to agree. Don't get me wrong. I loved my Nan, she was my favourite person in the world. Crazy little old lady with the best sense of humour.

"You simply have to come!" She said on the phone. "I need someone to water my plants and look after my dog."

"You don't have a dog," I reminded her. I knew what she was trying to do. She would use any excuse to make me come and stay in her flat, I just didn't know why.

"I so do!" she said with conviction. "Poor thing. I can't take him with me. He might get seasick. And the plants. We can't forget about plants," I wasn't sure about it at all. What would I do there? What if I didn't get along with the neighbours? And what about work?

"I can actually hear you thinking," Nan interrupted my train of thoughts. She was right. I did overthink stuff on a regular basis. I worried too much. "Just pack your things and help your poor old grandmother." And that was that.

Finally, I stood in front of the door. After getting the key and unlocking the door I had a good look around. There were lots of floral patterns on the curtains, the sofa and even the carpet, but as I suspected not even one plant in sight. That old liar!

I was unpacking in the spare bedroom when I heard a knock on the door. My Nan already left the day before, and there was no one else who knew where I was. Before I got to the door there was another knock. I opened it and found a woman. She looked to be close to my 28 years. She had platinum blonde hair in a pixie cut style, which suited her slender frame.

''Can I help you?''

''I'm guessing you're Eden? Vivian's granddaughter?'' she asked. She seemed like a nice girl. Her blood red lips were smiling and so were her blue eyes.

''Yes,'' I answered her question. ''That's me. And you are?''

''I'm Jemma,'' she shook my extended hand. Her grip was quite strong. ''I promised Vivian I'll look after her dog until you came. I gave him a good walk and I'm giving him back.''

I don't know how I missed it until then. I was so surprised to see anyone, that I completely missed the dog standing behind her.

''That's my Nan's dog?'' I asked, pointing at the beast. He was absolutely massive. Jemma just gave me a nod. ''But that's a fricking Great Dane!'' I almost screeched. First of all, I didn't expect her to actually get a dog. Secondly, even if she did, I'd expect something small. A spaniel, maybe, or a terrier. But no! The crazy old lady had to go and get the biggest dog she could possibly find. He was all black, coming up above my waistline. His body was well-formed and smoothly muscled.

''I know,'' Jemma said, bringing the dog in and closing the door. ''We tried to convince her to adopt a smaller dog, but she was adamant.''

''Does he even have a name?'' The dog in question stretched on the sofa leaving us no space.

''Yeah, that's Glasgow,'' she said taking a seat at the breakfast bar table. Glasgow looked in our direction when he heard his name, but made no effort to get off the sofa.

Without even asking my guest I started making two cups of coffee. I just needed a moment to prosses this new situation.

''I can't believe Michael would let her do something like that,'' I muttered to myself but loud enough for Jemma to hear. I met Michael few months after my Nan moved in. He was already a rising star but that didn't stop my Nan from bossing him around from time to time. I think that was one of the reasons why he would come and visit whenever he wasn't working. He just liked to be treated like a normal person. Michael and I bonded from the time of my first visit. Despite our age gap, we had the same sense of humour and I found it so easy to be around him.

''Oh no, he's here. He was the one who drove her to get Glasgow. I think it was their plan to do everything they could to get you to come back to London.''

But why?


So here is chapter 1. I hope you like it and as always, please like/comment/recommend;)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2017 ⏰

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