"Arthur, laddie. You've finally dragged your arse over here, how's life doin' for ya?"

The brother facing away from them in the kitchen with the Christmas jumper on turns in surprise at hearing the greeting, a smiles widely.

"Artie, you're home!"

He puts down the kettle and approaches to give Arthur a hug. He notices Francis and says hello.

"I'm Dylan, Arthur's brother. Lovely to meet you. And that was Alistair with the red hair."

"Thank you, Dylan." Francis returns the smile politely, and introduces himself. Dylan's first impressions are good, and Francis likes him. His hair is a dark cinnamon brown, a little longer than Arthur's though similarly unruly, complimented by bright jade eyes. He is friendly looking and again comparable to Arthur in body shape - slim, but taller and with slightly wider shoulders.

Francis and Arthur sit on another sofa, and Francis notices the person trapped under Alistair's feet staring at him.

"Bonjour? I am Francis, Arthur's friend. Who are you?"

The boy pouts slightly. He looks to still be in high school, presumably the youngest of the brothers, and is clutching his phone like his life depends on it. With earphones plugged into his ears, Francis can only guess he is still going through his grumpy, antisocial teenager phase.


Francis is expecting a little more from him, but in the continuing silence afterwards he realises that's all he's going to get. Sean is looking away again, eyes glued to his phone. They're a little lighter but still the Kirkland green, shielded by a thick layer of eyelashes. His hair is more of a light auburn with a casual side fringe, covering some of his lightly freckled face. He is lanky, well fit in skinny jeans and an relaxed shirt.

Arthur rolls his eyes, tutting quietly. "Sorry about Sean, he's been acting aloof for a while now. Thinks he special or something."

Harriet walks in at that moment and she frowns at Arthur. "Hey, it's hormones, he's still young. Give him his space. You were the same in your mid-teens."

Both brothers give a whine of "Mum!", and she chuckles at her embarrassed children.

Dylan brings a tray with tea and biscuits to the coffee table and sits down next to Arthur, proceeding to dunk biscuits into his hot drink while Francis gratefully accepts a cup. They chat for a while as Harriet prepares dinner.

"You mean to tell me you actually have a pet sheep?" Francis questions incredulously.

Dylan nods eagerly. "He's really sweet and friendly and his name is Dewi. He's out in the garden at the moment, but I can introduce him at some point."

Francis is starting to understand what Arthur meant when he was warning him of his family. They aren't exactly normal. Though it makes it easier to understand how Arthur himself came to be such a strange one. Lost in thought for a moment, Francis jumps when two cats both jump onto his lap at the same time. They walk over him and Arthur, lightly purring and sniffing the unknown Francis.

"Oh, hello." He stokes the felines, smiling as at their softness. "Who are these?"

Arthur pets one of them, scratching its white and beige fur behind the ears and under the chin. "This is Crumpets. He's more my cat really, especially since I named him."

Francis laughs internally, of course Arthur would name it that.

"He's a Scottish fold, and he's very loving."

"To you maybe," Sean says, glaring at the cat. "I swear he wants to kill me."

"Well I'm not surprised, I would probably do the same."

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