I stayed still trying to be quiet so I can see who was shooting the gun, but all I could see was a clown mask. My dumbass and stupid-ass fear of clowns is just my luck. So naturally out of fear, I screamed and backed away from the door knowing that had to have been heard. Of fucking course that was heard because he was by the damn door, next thing I know he's trying to break the door. I hid in the closet since it was closer to the door and waited so that if he came in, I could run out.

I covered my mouth so I wouldn't give my hiding spot away as he shot the door walking in and past the closet. Once I felt like he was in the bathroom or in the room looking for me, I hauled my ass out of that room and tried not to fall down the stairs only to run into another body but in full clown attire.

I was like a deer in headlights, frozen in fear. I was screwed because I couldn't fight back. The evil clown laughed seeing that I was afraid, I tried to turn around only to see the man with the mask that I saw earlier. I couldn't think of a way out as one of them hit me in the back of the head with something which hurt like hell but didn't knock me out as it does to people in the movies.

I could tell they were trying to figure out if they were going to shoot me or not and just use me as a hostage, one of them picked me up to tie my hands together before throwing me over his shoulder and started running. Before passing out from being lightheaded I was going to say I'm pressed that he could pick me up nevertheless carry me.

I woke up tied to a chair and something over my head, my mind was set on panic mode and I was trying to get my hands untied, remembering what happened. The realization hit me.... I was kidnapped by clowns. That is a fucked up story to try to tell, like oh yeah I was kidnapped by my worst fear.

"Oh, looky what we got here, she's finally awake!" I heard a voice say as I'm blinded by a bright light which made me hiss a little and heard a deep laugh. Once my eyes adjusted, I looked up and saw two tall guys standing in front of me before they decided to sit down still looking at me. They both were tall as hell, one had sandy brown hair with pretty green eyes that were nothing but deadly, and the other one has black hair and icy blue eyes and a scar on his right eye, and a cut on his lip.

"Now if you want to stay alive, you're gonna have to do some things for us." The dark-haired one said with the glare of death. Man, I swear if looks could kill I swear I'd be dead as a dog right now. But the moment he talked something about his voice was oddly calming, which just put me more on edge than before.

"We need you to make sure that pretty little mouth of yours stays shut about what you saw or else....." The brown-haired one said as he moved his chair closer to me with a smirk before finishing what he was saying.

"Clearly, you are terrified of clowns. I'd say I'm sorry for scaring you like that but watching a fat girl run was too entertaining. But anyways, back to business! We know that you are Finn's daughter and mean a lot to him, and I gotta say this is just too damn perfect. I mean really....you're his daughter! Must be gullible as hell." Sandy, that's what I'm going to call the jackass, says laughing as he grabs something from behind him. I couldn't tell what it was but the words he was speaking had me worried.

"Basically, you are leverage for a bit. See your daddy owes us and our boss some way overdue money. And seeing where he is now has put boss man in a pissy mood and sent us to come to collect it." The dark-haired one said, I made up my mind to call him Scar. So Sandy and Scar will be their names unless they tell me their names or something.

I could have said something but I didn't know what to say really, all these thoughts going through my head were starting to give me a headache. Scar tilted his head a bit looking at me with a slight from upon his pale ass face. Meanwhile, Sandy was playing with a knife and was smirking at me.

"Why are you so quiet?" Sandy asked as I moved so he was in front of me clearly not answering him pissed him off because he grabbed me by my hair yanking my head back which hurt like a bitch and caused me to yelp in pain.

"There we go there's a sound, but that doesn't answer my question," Sandy said yanking my hair again.

"I have nothing to say to you... There is nothing to say.." I said hearing my voice crack a little and that was another reason I stayed quiet afraid that I would start crying. Maybe my dad was in a gang or something like that and what these two are saying is true.

"Such a shame, cute voice but not matching looks to go with it," Sandy said as he started dragging his knife down my arm, feeling blood run down my arm. That was a feeling I welcomed because I've done it myself so it was no different. Of course, there were no screams of pain just slight whimpers here and there, nothing major. It was pissing Sandy off that I wasn't screaming for some reason Scar was nowhere to be seen or found.

Sandy started putting words in my skin but I couldn't tell what words. I started to zone out as I was probably slowly dying with the blood lost, I knew he was running out of space so he decided to go for my stomach craving a word in before Scar and some other guy came in the room pulling Sandy away saying they need me alive. The sad thing is that right now I wanted to die.

Never Will Be The Same// Liv Morgan FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now