Chapter 1 - The Return Journey

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Hermione took one last glance around her bedroom before tearing down the stairs and out into the hall where her mother and father were waiting for her.

"Ready to go dear?" Her mother smiled, taking her daughter's large trunk and passing it to her father and then reaching down to pet the orange-hued feline in her arms.

Hermione nodded happily and the trio stepped out into the brisk morning air, en route to Kings Cross Station.
"Harry! Harry Potter!"

Draco scowled at all the fuss being made about the 'saviour' and pulled his cloak tighter around his lean frame. With a swift nod to his mother, he turned and headed straight into the Hogwarts Express, cloak billowing behind him. Draco's brilliant grey eyes scanned the carriages as he passed in a great attempt to spot the one that contained his friends, for at least they wouldn't care to hail the boy too much. Sure, Draco knew that Harry had survived walking straight up to the dark lord himself and being hit square in the chest with a killing curse, but it wasn't as if he'd really done something tough - all he did was walk. Snapping him out of his bitter thoughts, Pansy Parkinson's high pitched voice rang out of the carriage beside him and reluctantly he turned and pulled open the door.

"Draco! How've you been?" Goyle bellowed at him as soon as he stepped inside.

"Never better." Draco sneered, easily forgetting his thoughts in the presence of his cronies.

"Come sit over here!" Pansy called to him, shoving Crabbe out of the way to create room for Draco beside her.

Draco sighed inwardly and sat down, snaking an arm around her waist and settling in for a long journey. At least if he pretended to be asleep he wouldn't have to listen to her incessant babbling on about him for the journey - so that's just what he did.
Hermione stared at Ron's flaming red hair beside her and frowned, deep in thought. The whole journey she'd had to put up with him and Harry talking about quidditch and how they couldn't wait for the new season to start. Now that both of them had run out of things to say, the pair were snoring shamelessly - leaving Hermione to sit in silence and watch as the Hogwarts express shot through the countryside. Her thoughts drifted to the castle and she wondered how it had been restored and if things would be any different this year. Although she didn't have long to assess the idea as Ginny slid the carriage door to the side and poked her head in.

"Hey 'mione! How was your break?" She said, stepping completely inside and shutting the door behind her.

"It was alright thanks Gin, I'm glad to be back though, I was missing Hogwarts." Hermione replied with a smile, "How was yours?"

"Oh my break was great, I've been getting a lot of owls from someone..." She murmured dreamily as she gazed at the raven haired boy whom she had sat down beside.

"Oh.. I see." Hermione replied, and with a sinking feeling she remembered how Ron had sent her only two owls all break, and even then, they hadn't been very long or thought inducing. "Well, I'd best be off to the loo, we'll be there soon." Hermione mumbled, grabbing her robes and shooting out of the carriage before Ginny had a chance to question her haste.
Draco yawned as he wandered down the aisle towards the toilets, thinking about how hard it had been to fake sleep when Pansy kept playing with his hair and robes. He was almost at the toilets now, although he was in no hurry to get changed, he decided he'd rather be away from the judging eyes and hushed whispers that took place when he walked past, so he quickened his pace a bit.


He'd just ran into something hard, although slightly bushy. Draco let out a frustrated groan and looked up to see what had caused him to land so abruptly on the floor. Upon seeing the figure standing above him holding out a hand, he reluctantly grabbed it, although once he saw their face he retracted it as though he'd been bitten by a particularly venomous insect.

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