More ways to know you're a Oncer

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That awkward moment when you find even MORE reasons you know you're obsessed...

-Every time you see a small, yellow car that looks remotely similar to Emma's Beetle, you start looking around, trying to find Emma or Henry

-You refuse to eat a red apple if someone offers it to you

-You're afraid of apple turnovers

-The things you want the most for birthdays, holidays ect. Is a red leather jacket but no one knows why

-You can be in a store and see a Disney character and get all excited and start yelling their Storybrooke name. (Ex: beauty and the beast movie: "LOOK!! IT'S BELLE AND RUMPLE!!!")

-You won't drink hot chocolate unless there's cinnamon on it

-You wish you lived in Vancouver (that's where it's filmed)

-You know the names of all the actors on the show

-"I will always find you" is not at all stalkerish to you

-When you see a chipped tea cup, you scream "RUMPELLE!!!!"

-You are overly protective of the show when someone says they thinks it's dumb (ex: "You've just never watched it! It's actually a really good show and... I HATE YOU!!!")

-You memorize every episode

-You think you are a bowl of soup

-You would do anything to live in Maine

-You can't help but get annoyed when someone calls the cartoon Captain Hook ugly

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