(Ch.2)Welcome To The Castle [Edited]

Start from the beginning

My big brother who married a princess from The Kingdom Azule was the one who received the most attention before he left. Now, that attention was given to me.

"Tonight! I will be interviewing the chosen Heroes who will be fighting for our Princess hand in marriage and our future king of Zoluam", Present Mic was being more enthusiastic today than any other day. I can tell he is way too excited to see how all this will turn out in the end. I cant believe Im also used for entertainment.

He continued," Let's have our first Hero come up on Stage! And his name is, Bakugou, Katsuki!!!"

A tall guy with spiky blonde hair and red eyes showed up from the left side of the stage and sat at one of the chairs where Present Mic was waiting for him.

He looked at me but gave me a glare. Well what is his problem, why is he glaring at me? Present Mic made his first question.

"How old are​ you Mr. Bakugou?"

"I'm 18, I thought everyone knew that", he said with a harsh and loud voice.

"Yes indeed, sorry about that just wanted to make sure.", Present Mic said getting somewhat emberrased for asking the obvious.

"If you were one of the chosen Heroes to compete in this competition, then you must posses a powerful quirk right?"

"Indeed, my quirk is making explosions!", Bakugou said very proudly.

"That must be a COOL quirk!, but what do you think of your opponents, who might as well posses awesome and powerful quirks?"

"I don't care about them, because I know I'll be able to win this contest and prove to all of the world I can be the #1 Hero, and no one will be able to beat me!", He said so proudly, I don't like this guy. He is nuts! He is too sure of himself as if he knew it was going to be him wearing the crown of a king. Bakugou Katsuki you are the first one on my list.

"Any words for our Princess [Y/N]"

He glared at ,e again, but i returned the same glare at him.

"Princess [Y/N], I'm looking forward to meeting you."

That send me chills but i kept my glare at him, and he did the same and left to the back of the room.

Yeah I don't like that guy, he might be the first to leave.

"The next hero is,Iida Tenya!"

A tall guy with glasses comes into the stage and bowed to us the royal family. Something the other guy didn't do. He looked well groomed and smart, who might know, this guy can probably be of help with my homework hmm...

"Iida tell me, What do you think of the princess?"

He directed his eyes to me and examined me, I felt uncomfortable with that question

"She sure is beautiful, and I bet she is smart and strong to lead our Kingdom and create new laws to protect all of us from the villains. As well, in my personal opinion I don't think she needs to marry someone yet because I think that she thinks she is not ready yet, but if I was the one to win this competition, I would give her all my support and protect her with all my might"

Well this guy surely will be of help with my homework.

Present Mic asked him some more questions before he left backstage as well. The other guys were also called to take a seat next to mic and be interviewed, but I was getting Im
bored as none of them catched my attention, wait what am I saying. Pfft obviously no one will.

"The Next Contestant is Todoroki Shouto!!"

I recognized that name, I hadn't heard it in a while. Todoroki Shouto is one of the sons of General Endeavour the #2 General in our Army.

Don't tell me he really is competing in this contest.

While he was walking to his chair, he stoped as well to bow to the royal family. My eyes were hooked on him. It's beeing a long time since I saw him.

After Present Mic interviewed him with the simple questions, I got to know nothing new about this guy, it seemed like all his answers were planned. Present Mic did not questioned him about what Todoroki thinks of me or what he plans to do if he got to be King.

Everyone present here knew him of course, which made Todoroki the favorite one so far.

Finally the last guy came in. He wasn't as tall as the others, his height might be the same as mine. He kinda also catched my eye, he was Sooooo Cuteeee! He was blushing when he saw me, his face was the color of a tomato and was a stuttered mess.

Haha, now that i think about it this can be fun. I'll go easy on them the first day. Later on they'll whish they never came to compete, I'll make them regret it.


To Be Continued...

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