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The one where Harry crushes on Tom , but Tom has a boyfriend , so he gets with Louis in hopes to make Tom jealous . But he finds himself falling in love with Louis , forgetting about Tom in the process . Then Louis finds out about being used .


"I don't know if I should , Zayn ." Harry sighed , Zayn rubbed his shoulder , "You should atleast try , mate . You'll never know if you don't try ."

Harry nodded , "Yeah , yeah you're right . I'll go now before I regret it ." Harry gave Zayn a small smile before walking away to find Tom .

He could hear Tom's voice from around the corner , he stopped to take a deep breath and calm down his racing heart before rounding the corner , freezing at the sight of Tom holding hands with another guy , both smiling and talking .

"Are we going to tell your friends about us or what ?" The guy asked , Tom nodded with a smile , "Yeah . I wanted to know we're serious before telling them about you , you know ."

"I know . And I'm glad wer'e serious , you're amazing ." The guy kissed Tom's cheek , making him smile wider and pull him in for a kiss .

Harry's blood boiled with anger and jealousy , breathing through his nose . Fucking idiot , he thought to himself . He wanted to be the one Tom calls his , but guess that plan is now completely hopeless .

He turned around to march away , letting out an 'oof' when a small body knocked hard into his chest , making the small body fly backwards and land on the floor .

"Shit , I'm sorry ." Harry looked down to the small boy , offering him his hand . The small boy took his hand , Harry noted how small and soft his hand is as he pulled him up .

"Yeah , sorry about that . I'm kind of clumsy ." The boy giggled out quietly , fixing his hair a bit . Harry nodded , "Yeah . It's okay ." He examined the boy for two seconds , before a thought ran through his head .

"I'm Harry , what's your name ?" He asked , the boy smiled softly , "I'm Louis ."

"Nice meeting you . Hope to see you again ." Harry smiled at him , Louis smiled back and nodded , "Me too ."


Sooo yeah , it'll be good I hope .


Fell For You ~ Larry Stylinson AU (Short Fic) COMPLETEDOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz