After some time, they managed to convince everyone for the trip and decided that it was to be the best camping trip of their life.

Piper smiled to herself, laying her head on Stephen's shoulder. Nothing filled her with more happiness than seeing her friends genuinely happy. Sure, throw in small arguments here and there, but things were good. That's all she could say.


sixteen months later

Prom comes from the promenade.

That's what the last text from the WhatsApp group read. Alisha sighed and shook her head in a self-despicable manner.

She never got the hype surrounding prom. Sure, the dance was the last dance of the school. A memory to remember. That's what Piper had told Alisha when her cynical side doubted Piper's words.

Piper, being Piper had forced Alisha to attend the prom. Hence, dressed in a red wine color dress with full lace sleeves, she was partly ready.

Alisha didn't want to admit it out loud, but she wished for a partner for this one night.

What a contradictory piece of crap you are, Alisha. She thought to herself, and took a deep breath, preparing herself for the evening. It didn't matter if she was going alone- she would enjoy this night with her friends and make this about her.

The doorbell rang, bringing a frown on Alisha's face. As far she was aware, no one was going to pick her up. Curious, she rushed and opened the door, her jaw slack when she saw the person on the other side of the door.

Killian Greg.

Dressed up in a white suit.

With a bow tie.

Alisha had met him during a charity marathon, and if her memory served her right, she had stared at him for a good two minutes before blinking. Thing got even better when Alisha found out that Killian lived in the same neighborhood as hers and she couldn't have been happier.

Two years older than her, he was the perfect embodiment of her dream guy. Standing two inches taller than her 5'6 height, his dirty blonde hair was a stark opposite to her black ones, and his brown eyes always seemed to sparkled whenever he smiled.

Alisha liked Killian. A lot than she wanted to admit.

"Hey, Alisha," he said in his soft voice, smiling at her. "How are you?" Alisha returned his smile, ushering him inside. "I am good. Remember I told you about the prom? It's today."

Killian pushed his hair, a small grin on his face. "Yeah. About that. Why don't you go out with me today?"

Surprise etched on her face. "To the prom?"

"No, on a date. It's not like you were excited about the prom. So, what do you think?" He looked at her, half expectedly, and half

confident, crinkling eyes, and in that instant, Alisha decided her answer.

"You are smooth, Killian Greg."

Leaning forward, he placed an intimate kiss on her cheek. "I take that as yes?"

"Sure. Who needs prom anyway."


eighteen months later

Half sleepy and half aware, Piper and Stephen laid on the grass, staring at the vast dark sky spread over with bright halos of light coming from the stars.

"I want us to get into the same colleges," Piper turned around to look at Stephen, her voice holding a somber tone. "To imagine leaving without you makes me feel weird."

Stephen understood what she felt. If someone asked him to revisit his past life, almost every moment had Piper in it. Their younger selves had assumed that it would always be the same but, as college neared, the daunting thoughts of separation made up half of his days. It was almost foreign to imagine living without Piper by his side.

The feeling thoroughly sucked. But Stephen was sensible enough to know the practical side.

"It's not like we can do anything about it, Piper," he replied honestly, moving a curly hair away from her eye. "Honestly, it's just making me anxious by each passing day."

"What if we don't get the same college?"

Running a hand through his hair, he blinked a few times staring at the sky. "We did whatever we could. Let's not," he closed his eyes. "Think about it now."

"True. Sometimes, I hate how rational you are."

A small laugh escaped his lips. Wrapping his arms tightly around Piper, Stephen pressed a kiss on her temple, embracing her in his fold.

"That's life. Just remember that I love you, and always will. It might seem a huge thing to say it now but, you are my everything, Piper. It won't change."

With a little smile, Piper wrapped her hands around Stephen's waist. "So are you, Stephen. Whatever happens, we will be together."




The books is over? Yes, it is. I actually cannot believe it because believe me, my life is pretty hectic and having two finished books in my hands seems a huge accomplishment. So, cheers people.

I am not sure how many of you will like this chapter but i personally love it. I wanted to show how things had changed over the coming months and i hope i have done a decent job. Let me know in your comments. And, sorry for the mistakes, if any.

To everyone who have read, thank you. Seriously, thank you. I cannot say how happy it makes me to see people reading my books. I will post a new chapter as a thank you so watch out.

For now, have a good day and let me just soak in that i have completed the story.

- aalaa

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- aalaa

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