- I Will Protect You -

Start from the beginning

I placed my hand on his head and smiled at him. 'I remembered that you were the sword that Okita broke back during the fight in Ikeda. He lowered his head and kept silent. 'I will treasure you as long as you are here and when you are lost somewhere in the darkness, I will make sure to bring you back here, back in my arms.' I pulled him close. 'You know what? You two are my favourite swords.' I grinned and the both of them pounced on me. 'No one has ever said that to us except for Okita Souji himself.' Yasasuda cried. I think I hit home for them. I hugged them both and tried to calm down. They looked like helpless children when they cry. I then told them that I have to go back to my room and they wanted to tag along but I rejected their offer. 'Shokudaikiri will panic when he found out that I am not in my room.

Suddenly, the door to the room opened and revealed a tall man. 'S-Shokudaikiri...' I gulped. 'You are supposed to be in your own room.' I nodded and waved goodbye to the both of them. Somehow, I had the feeling that something is about to happen. I can't shake it off somehow. When Shokudaikiri and I reached the door to my room, I told him about it. 'Ahh. It could be that there's a storm coming. There's going to be a rainstorm tonight so it's best if everyone is to be in their room when it starts pouring. I gulped. I am afraid of lightnings and thunders.

When Shokudaikiri went out of my room, I panicked. Rainstorm? Lightnings? Thunders? What am I going to do? All of us ate dinner together in the common space and as we were having fun, it started raining. 'Alright! Everyone back to our rooms.' Hasebe said and everyone obeyed. I was reluctant but well, I wouldn't want to be caught in the storm and it will be an even more work. I walked back to my room and sighed.

'BOOM'. Lighting struck and thunder echoed. I could hear some of them crying in their rooms. 'Poor children...' I sighed to myself and tried to sleep. Hours passed and the howling of the wind kept me awake. I felt a tear flowing down from my eyes and then I started sobbing. The loudness of the thunder is really scary, to add on, we are near the forest. Anything could happen.

'M-Master...?' I heard someone calling me from the other side of the door. 'W-Who is it?' The door opened and there my favourite sword boy. 'Yasasuda...?' I think he saw me crying because he just rushed into the room and wiped my tears from my face. 'Ah... Sorry The thunder scared me.' I said and then the thunder blasted again, making me jump towards Yasasuda. 'That was loud.' He looked up to the sky and then back to me who was already balling my eyes out. 'Woah! M-Master! It's alright... I am here.' He reassured me. I looked at him and shyly asked. 'Is it okay for you if you were to accompany me for the night...?' He blushed and agreed. 'I don't mind...' He scratched his cheek and then made his way under the duvet and patted me to sleep.

I still couldn't sleep. Not because of the thunder and lightnings, but it's because Yasasuda is here. His heartbeat is soothing and his breathing calms me down. But he is half naked with his hair down. He looks gorgeously handsome. I couldn't help but touch his face and cuddled him closer to me. His scent smells of cherry blossoms. A few minutes later, I knocked out.

Morning comes shortly after and I woke up with Yasasuda no longer beside me. I got up to do my necessary morning routine and went out of my room to find the others. When my eyes got in contact with Yasasuda's the both of us blushed. Kashuu looked at us like we were dumb. 'What is with this feeling. It's so romantic.' He added before going out to play with the rest. 'Y-You know, whenever it rains, I will be in your room... If you don't mind me being there...' I looked at him and smiled. 'Thank you, Yasasuda.' I got up and started going to my room.

There was a dark portal in my room and the skeleton-looking monsters just started to take me with them into the portal. 'HELP!' I screamed at the top of my lungs but before anyone could get into my room, I was already brought into the portal with them. I didn't know what was happening but all I know was that I had to get out of here. The next thing I know was that I was at some familiar surroundings. Ikeda. 'Why am I here?' I asked the monsters but they didn't give me a reply. I was terrified. What if no one is coming to save me. I know for sure I will never stand a chance to win these bone monsters without a sword on me. I am a unarmed human being tied up by a rope by them.

'Master!' I heard several people calling for me. 'Hasebe?' I mumbled to myself. 'She might be in this building.' I heard Imanotsurugi's voice. 'Help!!' I screamed again, hoping that they will be able to locate where I am. 'I hear her voice. She is in here!' Yasasuda said as I heard the door of the building busted open. 'Master!' He shouted, waiting for a reply to at least know that I am indeed in the same building as him.

'Yasa!' I shouted his name. The skeleton monsters picked me up and threw me onto the ground. One of them even pointed it's sword at me, warning me that if I open my mouth to speak again, it would slice through my throat. I sealed my lips, telling it that I won't dare to speak again. That is the only way I know that I would live until they found me. 'I'm going to the second floor.' Yasasuda said as I could hear him running up the steps of the stairs. 'Hold on! We will go together!' I could hear Kashuu shouting and following him up the steps. 'Master!' The desperation in Yasasuda's voice hurts me.

'Hold on! We have to move as a team! The others are still below, fighting!' The footsteps stopped and Yasasuda spoke. 'She could be hurt and crying by herself, scared, trembling and waiting for us to go to her as soon as possible.' Kashuu sighed. 'Let's go.' He said as they opened the door to where I am being held captive. 'Master!' Both of them shouted in unison. I looked at them and a sense of relieve rushed through me. As they were fighting the monsters, all I could do was to watch them getting hurt while trying to protect who they think is the most important. I am not even from this world. Why are you guys protecting me like I am some sort of an important person?

As the two of them were busy fighting like there was no tomorrow, one of the monsters managed to sneak behind them. 'Oh no you don't, not today!' I managed to untie the rope and jumped in between them and the monster, cutting myself as I protected the two precious boys. 'Master!' Yasasuda caught me before my face touches the ground. I gulped, tembling. This was the first time I did this sort of thing. Normally these types of things only happens in movies or anywhere that is not real. Kashuu was standing infront of the both of us and fended off the monsters.

'We've got to bring you back before you get any worse than this.' Yasasuda agreed with Kashuu and the both of them decided to go, telling the others who are at the lower level to run as fast as they could back to where they came from. The next thing I know, I lost my consciousness.

I woke up to Midare screaming. 'Master is glowing!' Everyone came in to check and all of them had a horrified expression on their face. Hasebe sighed and smiled sadly. 'Time spent with you was short but I hope that after this experience with us, you won't stop playing Touken Ranbu.' Gokotai's tigers all rushed to me as if they are all giving me a hug before I leave. Next was Kashuu. His eyes were watery but I chose not to pick on that. 'Thank you Master. For everything you have done and said to both me and Yasasuda.' I nodded and patted him on the head even though he is so much taller now when he is standing up.

Yasasuda came up to me and his eyes was tearing like a waterfall. I wiped away his tears and told him not to cry anymore. 'I will still come back occasionally to see you guys. I guess my time here is up. I am happy to be able to see all of you with my very own eyes and able to interact you all of you. Thank you.' Yasasuda grabbed me and pulled me into an embrace. 'I will never forget you. I will get stronger for you as well as everyone here. If you ever have a chance to come back here, we will all be here to greet you and protect you if it means to sacrifice ourselves.' I squished Yaasasuda's face and gave him an angry look. He looked shocked. 'No one here is going to sacrifice themselves. Everyone is going to stay here!' He gave me a smile and tightened the hug. I could feel my body slowly disappearing. Everyone was crying at this point of time.

I woke up again, I was on my bedroom. 'Alena!' I heard my best friend's voice beside me. 'You are finally awake!' What? 'How long was I gone?' 'You were out cold for two days, Alena! When your mother called me, saying that you were unconscious, I was shocked. What happened?' I smiled as a tear dripped from my eyes. 'I miss them..'

The next day, I opened the app for Touken Ranbu, I was greeted by Yasasuda. I saw a white folded paper on the mat and I was confused. I don't think the game has this but I still clicked on it again. It was a letter. It reads "Dear Master. By the time you read this, we are all already feeling better so that you don't have to worry. We are all waiting for your next arrival. Shokudarikiri said that he will cook your favourite dish.' I was touched. Shokudaikiri is doing something for me. I looked down and there were some words written here.

'.... And most importantly, I love you.... I will be waiting for you no matter how long it takes...'

I Will Protect You | Yamatonokami YasusadaWhere stories live. Discover now