Wake-Up Call

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The taxi drove the streets of New York Ciy, where the boys had just arrived this morning. We finally came to the hotel, and I got out and paid the driver. I went straight to the elevator and rode up, with my coach luggage dragging behind.

I finally came to the top floor, and I walked to the end of the hall, where the door to the boys' penthouse suite was. I knocked, and Niall answered.

"Hi Ali." He said.

"Hi  Niall, can we talk outside for a minute?" He nodded and came out, closing the door behind him. "Alright, Niall, what's going on?"

"What do you mean?"

"You think I wouldn't see the pictures? Of Harry going out every night? Of girls surrounding him? Of the beers in his hand? I'm not stupid, and I want to know what's going on."

"We've noticed a change in him, and we're not sure what. We don't know if it's the separation from you, or a relief from the pressure he has on him, or what. I don't know, but he's been drinking a lot more and partying a bit too much. We're not sure what to do, because he won't listen when we talk to him."

"I've got this." I said firmly.

"What?" Instead of replying, I opened the door to the room and brought my luggage in.

"Hi Ali." Liam said.

"Hey Liam. Where's Harry?" I asked calmly. They all looked at each other before Zayn spoke.

"He just woke up. He's in his room, changing." He said reluctantly and pointed to the room at the end of the hall off of the living room.

"Alright, thank you, Zayn. Hold my luggage, will you, Louis?" I rolled my luggage to Lou and handed him my tote. I walked down the hall to the end. My black heels clacked against the tile. Once I reached the room, I smoothed out my skinny jeans and cream blouse, and straigtened my blue blazer and hair. I gave the door a quick knock before bursting through the door without warning.

Harry was standing there, looking dissheveled, in nothing but boxers."Hello, Harold."

"Ali? What're you doing here?" I crossed my arms and slowly made my way over to him.

"You know? I was coming to visit? I just got off the plane and drove here by myself. I was met by no one, and who opens the door, not my boyfriend but Niall. I arrive here to learn you're drinking constantly and have girls draped over you." He said nothing. I picked up a pillow and hit him with every point I made. "You're being so irrespoinsible." Pillow hit. "You're being immature" Hit "and reckless" hit. "and ruining your image" hit. "and you're being stupid" hit. "And you're ruining this relationship." Hit.

"Stop hitting me!" He said. I put the pillow down.

"Do you know what you've done? I'm not going to be with you like this!" I walked out of the room and got a cup full of water. I came back to his room.

"Harry, consider this your wake-up call, because I'm not going out if all you are is hungover. I'm not going to deal with the rumours and the hate and pushing and shoving for you if this is what I get in return." With that, I threw the water in his face. "Wake up, Harold, because I'm not going to wait and watch you become like every other washed up singer: an alcoholic partyer with no self-respect. We're done." I threw the cup on the floor.

"You're crazy!" He yelled and I ignored him.

I walked out and the boys were standing there in shock. "Alright, boys, I guess my time here is up." I hugged each of them.

"So, you're not coming to the concert tonight?" Louis asked, and we all stared at him like he was ctupid.

"No, not after that, no I'm not." I said.

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