Chapter 1 : Enchantment's Beginning

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The voice of roosters all over Equestria greeted the sun as it majestically rose up towards the sky. It was orange, bright, and shimmering with golden colors reflected from the magic of the Alicorn who brought it to its twelve-hour-glory. This has one meaning for everypony: time to start their activities of the day.

Mystery Book was still shrouded in her deep slumber as her red alarm clock rang loudly, waking her from her sleep. She yawned as she pulled her soft pink blanket away and tried to stand up sturdy on her four hooves. The cream-colored Pegasus was half asleep as she walked away from her yellow bed and washed up. After she finished, she went back into her apartment bedroom to grab her necklace.

The necklace was a simple string necklace with a pink heart-shaped pendant. The pendant was said to be made out of a special gemstone that holds magical powers, but it was never proved out. Mystery earned the necklace from her mother, who gave it to her when she was a filly. Her mother told her to keep it safe, and always wear it whenever and wherever she goes.

Mystery wore her necklace and opened the oak bedroom door. She walked to the balcony and smiled as she breathed in the fresh air. It was a bright morning; the sun was rising, the birds were singing, and the gentle breeze was pleasantly blowing. The Pegasus jumped from the balcony and glided towards the sky. No matter what today sets for her, she will always be ready for it.

She flew around for a while with her feathery wings, checking how everypony else is doing. Suddenly, when Mystery was high above the clouds, her wings folded on their own. She tried to open them back, but she realized that she couldn't even move them! The Pegasus mare shouted for help as gravity slowly pulled her towards the ground, her brown mane blowing in the wind. She closed her eyes, hoping and wishing that a miracle would happen.

All of a sudden, when she was just a few meters above the ground, her wings worked again! Mystery was overjoyed as she opened them back and flew back up to the sky. She did a few graceful twirls in the sky before she returned safely to land.

"Whoa, that was a close one!" a violet Unicorn mare said as she approached Mystery, who was currently flying down. The Unicorn was Spectrum Bookstuff, one of Mystery's best friends. "Are you alright? I saw you falling down, shouting for help because your wings couldn't work."

"I'm perfectly fine," Mystery answered as she gently landed. Her heart was still beating strongly even after the incident, when the worst turned out to not happen. "Yeah, I'm fine alright. Just still trembling a bit; I was very lucky to survive that fall; I thought I wouldn't make it."

"Me, too! Gosh, I was so worried. I mean, it isn't normal for Pegasus wings to suddenly shut and can't open back in midair. That was really strange!" Spectrum said. Mystery sighed and nodded.

"Well, I didn't expect that, either. I've never had anything strange happening to my wings before," Mystery mentioned. "Anyways, I think I'm gonna practice flying for a while. Bye!"

As Mystery flew away, there was something that pulled her back. This surprised both herself and Spectrum. Mystery returned to ground, startled. "Huh, that was quite unexpected."

"No – I knew something else you wouldn't expect," Spectrum said, pointing at Mystery's necklace. The pendant was vibrating and glowing bright pink. Mystery gasped when she noticed it. "Oh dear, I've never seen anything like this before!"

"Me neither," Spectrum said, shocked. "And I'm pretty sure you don't know that your necklace could glow like that. I think that this is also the reason you kept on being pulled back to ground; there is something that this necklace wants to tell you."

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