Chapter One

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It was just a normal day at school. Everything was so familiar, but in an instant that changed. One minute I was sleeping, and the next I'm awakened by drips of blood falling on my face as my best friend is being eaten alive by those creatures. I was shocked by the scene as any normal person would be. Before she died she told me to run. She told me to get out of there before they could get me too, and that's what I did. I fled, and I didn't care for her in that moment. All I cared for was my survival.

                   After a while of running and dodging I finally reached the front door of the school.              The buildings and roads were still intact signifying that it was only the beginning of something more gruesome. As if I were in a trance I started to walk around the school parking lot. Completely in shock I didn't see the creature creep up next to me. It wasn't until a drop of blood fell on my skin and I turned to see the zombie readying its jaw to take a bite of my flesh. I kicked it away the best I could and resumed my running. This time I was determined to get away. It grabbed my foot and again I tried to kick the creature away, but succeeded in kicking my own leg. While I was in a flash of pain the creature decided to ready is jaw at another attempt at biting me. I was able to wiggle my self from its grip. I stood up and began to run again it to the thick green fog.

                           It's been three days now. Three long days of  scavenging, looting, an hard back-breaking survival from the zombies. It's been tiring I've been trying to find my family but it's hard to navigate in this mess of abandoned cars, unfamiliar buildings, and zombies. The fog makes it hard but those things make it even harder to find them. There are some points in the day

where I want to give up and I think they have turned, and that it's hopeless to continue searching for them. I remember what my sister told me. She said never give up ,no matter what, even if the world seems hopeless. That's what keeps me going. I continue saying that to myself , but lately it's gotten harder to say it. Not when everywhere you look there are zombies. I guess it's that little bit of hope that keeps me going, and stops me from killing myself.

              It's been a full week since the beginning of the apocalypse. On the fourth day I stumbled upon a group of survivors. Most of them were acquaintances from the town although there were a few new faces there was at least one person I knew he was a good friend from school. I decided to join them, now at least I won't go insane from lack of human interaction. Most of the people in the group were optimists and some were just weird. It was a group of 5 guys and 7 girls including me. Their names were Beryl, Daniel, Angelica, Mark, Stella, Maggie, William, Jeoffrey, Ella, Gabrielle, and Henry. I guess being in a group is good for me. I got to know some of them which is pretty cool.  On the 6th day we reached an area by my neighborhood I let them know that I was gonna check it out. So, they sent Daniel to check it out with me. I got to the front of my house and took a deep breath. I kicked open the door and looked to find no one inside. I looked around and thoughts of the worst possible scenarios going through my head. No one was there to console me as I broke down in tears.

                   I got up and started to walk to my room. As soon as I got there I began to pack some clothes.I started with my dresser. When I got to my closet I instantly became paranoid. What if  there was a zombie in there? I shook it off and considered my paranoia irrational. I opened the closet and out fell a zombie.My fear was a warning. The creature fell on me and bit my neck. I howled in pain and my fight or flight instinct kicked in. I took out my combat knife that I had kept hidden in my boots and stabbed it in the head. I got up writhing in pain and looked outside the room so see if Daniel was coming. I remembered that he was in the basement. So go figure for me. I ran into the nearest bathroom and began to wash the injury. I quickly put on a turtleneck and my poncho on top of it. Hopefully, they won't question me. I ran out of the house and called for Daniel. He came from the basement with surprised and we approached the rest of the group.

        It's been a few hours since I've been bitten. I'm surprised that I haven't turned yet. For, most people it happens almost instantly. The group hasn't questioned me yet which would be okay in a normal situation, if they weren't giving me dirty looks. The silence broke "Elyse what happened back there?" questions Mark.

I sigh and take a breath "Nothing just found some clothes and decided to put them on because it was kinda chilly." The tension seems to ease a bit until another question is asked. "We heard a scream. Where did it come from?"

I glanced at the asker it was Ella. She is usually the maudlin type and wouldn't question someone unless she suspected them of something. I answered " There was a screamer in there it screeched when I killed it. Why are you guys questioning me like this? Do you suspect me of something?" The tension seemed to increase. Henry seemed uncomfortable "No, we were just a bit curious. We just thought you seemed a bit despondent." I walked ahead of the group and scoffed. "Well thanks for your concern." The tension eased for the final time but it was replaced by guilt. I felt bad for making them feel guilty but it was better than them finding out I had been bitten. I heard soft whispers behind me. I instantly knew it was about me. I broke into a sprint so I could get rid of the sound of whispering.

                        The apocalypse had been going on for a few weeks now. We had begun to see military presence. We had been rescued by them a few days back when we were surrounded by prowlers,summoned by yours truly. They picked us up by helicopter and brought us to the camp. There were very little townspeople left when we got there. I was ecstatic when I found my family there. I had to keep my being a hybrid a few days ago. I found this out a few days before the military came I was able to jump really high, regenerate limbs, and summon a horde of the undead. So, basically a zombie on steroids. The military is scanning people today to see if anyone has the virus. So far no one has been found to have the virus. My nervousness reached its zenith when it was my turn to be scanned. I stepped into the scanner and took a deep breath. An alarm went off  and I realized that I was going to be surrounded. In a fit of panic I unleashed my powers.

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