Dare #26

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Toko: here's a dare from berry_bey

Wakiya: I never like berry_bey's dares, I swear I'm gonna die from one

Nika: *giggles* we're going to lock Wakiya and Rantaro in a tree house for 5 hours with the Nyan Cat theme song going at max volume

Wakiya: AGAIN?!

Rantaro: oh boy

Ukyo: here you go *pushes Wakiya and Rantaro into the tree house*

Lui: *locks the door*

Shu: are you sure Lui should have the key?

Gabe: it'll be fine

Seven hours later...

Besu: should we let them out now? *looks at Lui*

Lui: *death glares* they're annoying and I don't care

Ken: *looks away nervously*

Shu and Daigo: *bows* rest in peace, Wakiya and Rantaro

Nika: we'll make sure to get you pretty graves

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