Chapter 16

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I finally woke up and have a splitting headache. A nurse came in and I asked for my cell phone. I need to call Tim and figure out where he is. “Mrs. McGraw once you are done with this call I will need to take you out for some tests.” I nodded and dialed his number but it went straight to voicemail. “Tim.” I said starting to cry. “I'm at the hospital and I need you. I hit my head hard and now they want to run some tests. Please come home. I need you.” I said crying too much to speak. Betty comes in and said she called Tracy to watch the girls. “still no Tim?” She asked. “no.” I said. “Betty… Eli raped me in Canada. I never got a chance to tell Tim.” I stopped talking when Gracie came in. “I tried using your other phone. The guy said he would tell Daddy. But I guess he didn't.” She said leaving. “give me the phone. I will handle this.” She said leaving the room.

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