Chapter 13

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I was so pissed the whole flight and so was my band. “what made him do this?” Deano asked. “no freaking clue. But Audrey broke my heart when Faith told her I had to leave.” “I know that feeling.” Bob said. He has a son at home too. We get into Canada in the middle of the night so I go straight to bed. I am cold and so is the other half of my bed. I grabbed my phone and called. “Tim?” She whispered half asleep. “it's me.” “Honey it's the middle of the night…” “I know. But I just needed to hear your voice.” “Okay.” Suddenly I had a great idea. “baby. I just got a great idea.” “What is it?” “how about you and the girls come out on the road with me for a few days? We are in Canada for three days. That way we can be together and ride on the bus?” I asked praying she says yes. “that is a great idea. I will get us packed in the morning.” “I will have a plane ready.” I hung up and told Deano and the others that they could do it too. Make it a family affair. I could barely sleep due to excitement. By the time i did wake up I got a bus over to the airport. “what's going on Tim?” Eli asked. “invited Faith and the girls up for a few days.” “Sure that's a good idea?” He asked. “if you want the best me then this is what I need.” I said opening my arms in time for Audrey to jump in them. “thanks for letting us come daddy!” “Hey Faith.” Eli said. Faith didn't address him but went right to the bus. “Eli I don't what you have going for my wife but you need to respect her. If you can't do that then you are fired.” I said hugging Maggie and Gracie. We get on the bus and Faith is all over the place. “hey calm down.” I said wrapping my arms around her. “I will. Just need to get everything where it goes.” She said leaning into the hug. This is Audrey's first time on a tour bus and she is excited. “do I get my own bunk?” She asks. “of course you do! All three of you do!” I said showing them. It didn't take them long to choose. “this was a great idea.” Faith said kissing me. “I hated leaving so abruptly.” I said. “when I go back to talk with the label I am going to request a new manager.” “Really?” She asks. “yeah. He is not understanding family first.” She nodded in agreement.

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