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In 2008, Tiffany was diagnosed with vocal nodules, wherein a mass of tissue grows on the vocal folds due to strain or overuse. The condition gave herdysphonia, causing a hoarseness in her voice as well as affecting the range of her singing voice. After receiving treatment her voice returned to normalcy, but the condition began affecting her voice even more drastically throughout the latter half of 2009, causing her to take a break from activities to receive hospital treatment in September.[12] She also experienced difficulties due to the disorder mid-2010, a company representative stating she would be taking a short hiatus while she was hospitalized again.[13][14] While treatment has been successful, Tiffany has stated that her current voice is different from her voice previous to contracting vocal nodules, although it is not necessarily something she views as a bad thing.[15]

Throughout her career Tiffany has suffered several injuries requiring medical attention. She fell after a performance of "Gee", injuring her left ankle and being put in a cast. Tiffany continued to perform with the group, albeit either sitting or standing to the side stationary.[16] Tiffany also suffered a wrist injury while filming for Let's Go Dream Team in early 2010 and was seen wearing a cast while continuing activities.[17] In August 2010, Tiffany suffered an injury to her right ankle after taking a fall during the SMTown Live '10 World Tour in Seoul. Although not a serious injury, she was put in a cast in order to make sure she would be healed enough to perform at Girls' Generation's upcoming Japanese showcase.[18] She suffered a more severe fall two months later during another performance, injuring her posterior cruciate ligament. Due to this, she was withdrawn from the group's promotions of "Hoot", her absence from the spotlight lasting almost a month until she returned to join her fellow group-mates activities in Japan. The issue of Tiffany's return after injury was a topic of great interest within both the Korean and Japanese media.[19][20]

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