Horror House (ZigXMC)

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You're clinging on to Zig's leather jacket as you look up at the intimidating house. You were trying to remember why you agreed to do this.  Oh yeah, to prove to your boyfriend and the rest of the gang that you were more than capable of doing this. You were tired of having the rep as the scaredy cat of the group. You wanted to prove to them you had guts! 

Zig gives you his signature smirk before leaning into you and whispering in your ear. "Are you sure you wanna do this, it's not too late to back out." His warm breath tickles your ear as you give a light shiver before looking up to meet his warm coffee-colored eyes. "And have you run back and tell everyone I chickened out, no thanks." You roll your eyes and scoff at him and you hear him laugh. He shakes his head. "Alright, it's your funeral." You walk up further into the house before you reach the porch the front door swings open.  Your grip tightens on his jacket and his smirk is gone as he wraps his arm around you. "Honestly it isn't gonna be that bad babe." With his arms still wrapped around your waist, he guides you into the house. You have your guard up as you walk into the house, lit up with different colors, splattering distorted shadows all over the walls. You know this is all in your head nothing is re-. Just then the ugliest thing pops up from a corner out of your sight. You jump instantly falling back. You trip over the cobwebs spread out and you land on your back. Looking up you see the hideous clown that jumped at you before it slinks back into the corner, preparing for its next victim. Zig is grinning, doing his best to stop himself from laughing. You roll your eyes and get up off the floor. You dust yourself off and throw a punch at Zig's arm.  "Thanks for catching me." Zig burst into a fit of laughter, not being able to hold it back. "I didn't expect you to do all that! I tried to catch you but you jumped back so quickly." He's done laughing now and he tries to grab your waist again. You shrug him off and continue going through the house.  The walls are filled with mirrors, twisting your image up beyond recognition. Zig follows behind you, staring at the twisted visions of him in silence. For a moment you forget where you are, staring at you and your boyfriend's reflections in the crazy colors. 

Then it happens again. Another jump scare... from a fake ghoul. This time it isn't you who ends up falling. You hear the shatter of one of the mirrors breaking, turning around you see Zig on the ground. Shards of glass cover the floor and some are on Zig as well.  "Zig, are you okay?" You shriek as you run to his side. Zig sits up slowly, rubbing his lower back when he takes his hand away it's stained with blood. "Shit!" He says, balling up his bloody hand. "I must've landed on a piece of glass." He huffs, trying to stand. He scrunches his face in pain and you do your best to help him to his feet, he wobbles at first but catches his balance eventually. I have to check to make sure their's no glass still stuck in his back. I scan the wide hallway until you find a small room on the side. You walk slowly into the room not realizing that you've actually stumbled into one of the bedrooms of the big house. Zig sits on the bed hesitantly. "I have a first aid kit in my car, I'll be right back." You walk down the long hallway quickly and sprint to your car, going into your trunk you pull out the kit and hurry back into the room where Zig is patiently waiting on you. He has already removed his jacket off. You push it to the side of the bed and examine his back, blood was already seeping through is white t-shirt. You lifted it up slowly over his head revealing his bare back. Even in the poorly lit room, you could see every muscle on his tan smooth back. Without even thinking you trace down his spine causing him to shiver slightly. "Sorry." He murmured. You had almost forgotten how ticklish Zig was. You found that almost as cute as his little smirk.  You focus on his cut. It's not as deep as you thought it would be. You open up your kit and get to work. "Okay... This might burn but I'll try to do it as quickly as possible. " He turns his head slightly to get a look at what you're doing. "What might hu-  Oh shit!!!" Before he could finish his sentence you took the alcohol pad across his cut. His whole back flexed in pain and you couldn't help but stare at his muscles. How could something so simple turn you on so much. Zig called your name, snapping you out of your daze. "What gives, a warning would've been nice." You shrug, not knowing what else to do. "Sorry babe. I wanted to get it over with, for your sake." He huffs and you continue cleaning his wound. When you're done you bandage it up for protection. He leans his head up, looking at you through his lashes. "Thank you baby, nice to know I have my own personal nurse to take care of me." His smirk is back and you lean down to meet your lips with his. The kiss is slow and sensual, it nearly takes the breath from you. You pull back a few inches from his lips. "I can think of a better way to take care of you." I bring my lips back to his, before turning to sit on his lap. I lean him back as I straddle his hips. "This doesn't hurt, does it?" You asked as you toyed with his zipper. He shakes his head. "I wouldn't normally do this in a haunted house, but not at all," he says as he trails his hands under my shirt and up my torso, he pulls my shirt over my head and tosses it. I lift my weight off of him. As I allowed him to shimmy out of his pants, dragging his boxers lower, exposing his v-line. I dip my head low, tracing his v-line with my tongue before sitting back up and sliding out your leggings. Before you can do anything else Zig hooks his thumbs in the waistband of your lace panties and pulls them down for you. I sigh at his slow touch. Once he's done you bring his boxers lower, releasing him from his boxers. He springs up, fully erected. You bite your lips as you slowly take in all of him.  I straddle his hips again and slowly sit down, he slides into you, a low growl escapes his lips as he arches up slightly to meet his hips with yours. You moan as he fills you up completely. I grab his broad shoulders for support as I begin to rock slowly. He grips your hips and guides you. Your pace picks up as you being to bounce on him. Zig sinks his head into the pillow as his eyes roll back in pleasure as his grip on you tighten.  "Fuck." he groans as you bodies collide together. He grabs your ass before smacking it. "Oh, Zig!" You're panting as Zig thrusts up into you hard, finally cumming. You continue to ride him hard as he cums before you finally hit your spot, you quickly unravel on top of him, falling on his chest. 

 You roll off him moments later and quickly get dressed. Zig sits up and shakes his head, running his hand through his wild hair. "I can't believe we just did that." We're in a haunted house, there could be a clown under the bed for all we know. He peeks under the bed and you laugh. "Shut up and get dressed." You say as you pull up your pants. Once you're both fully dressed you exit out of the bedroom. "Hows your back?" You ask as you look at zigs blood-stained shirt. Some of the blood has begun to dry up. "It's much better now."  He grins and wraps an arm around you as you continue to go through the haunted house.

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