Chapter 5

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Chapter 5
Mikey POV

We went to our first period which was English. Luckily we had all our classes together.
Honestly I have no idea how that happened. I think jake had something to do with it though, freaking sweet talker, but hey I'm not complaining I'm happy that we have our classes together. Despite the fact that it just makes it harder to keep my secret. But like I've said his my best friend and plus he makes school bearable.
We have other friends besides just us. Yeah we talk to the whole school and get along with everyone but our friends that we actually are close to is a small group five counting me and Jake.
There's the girl of our group Danielle but we call her Dani. We've both known her since we were in fifth grade when she moved to town. She's really smart and takes all those ap classes so she's not in any of our classes. I think of all our group Dani would be the most uncaring about me being gay or being in love with Jake. Well about the being gay, she'll probably be pissed I didn't tell her about the Jake thing. But other than that she won't care, she's well a bit of a hippie actually. She's a vegetarian, animal rights activist, all that, and tries to use as little labels as possible because she thinks they lead to prejudice or something I don't really know I tend to zone out. But yeah she doesn't use sexuality labels.
Next is Matt who is in football with us and we've been friends since first grade. He's I guess your typical guy. He likes sports, eating, sleeping, watching tv, and messing around. I guess Matt's reaction when he finds out will be confused. Matt likes girls and a lot of them at that. I guess you can say he's a bit if a player. So he won't understand why someone wouldn't like a girl.
Last I guess is Scott who is a goofball but a good friend and person. I honestly don't think he'd care. Scott's looses interest in things easily so I think he'd just be real excited for like a day and move on.

Anyways so we reached our class and went to the back of the class where our seats were and sat down. Seeing as we were just reading the novel the class had been working on and I had read it already I decided to take a nap.
So I just rested my head on my arms on top of the desk and drifted off to sleep. Jake will wake me up when the bell rings plus Ms. Martins our teacher doesn't care what we do as long as we do good in class and aren't too loud.

* this is for this lovely person who commented twice. ahh

Um okay I hope you all like it and please tell me what you think or just say hi( hint hint.... *cough* comment)

So um yeah ...

Oh wait I almost forgot the next part is be in..... *dumroll* jakes pov.
Le gasp. Ahh

Okay so um yeah again this time for real uh hope you like it tell me what you think and thanks for reading

Heart all yy'all faces *

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