Chapter 7: Miracles From Heaven

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Carson talked to his parents about the issue and they said the same. Carson tried to get to the Tree of Life to give him additional advice. He brought his folding chair and napped beside the tree. He then dreamt of the Lady of Light with Jordyn as its chosen image.

"I know why you've come, Carson, son of Jon," she said, "You are weary of the fame some musers get without even breaking a sweat. You have been working hard all these seven years gaining only a portion of what the juvenile Jacob Sartorius now has. Always remember, you are far greater than Jacob and the entire musers combined in any Universe. Your heart is pure and uncorrupted."

"While most of these untalented musers come and create drama and spoil the peace on social media, turning the positive into negative, fighting over petty things, spreading pestilence to humanity into utter ruin and oblivion; Carson you are the opposite of them all, you are the light that shines in the darkness they embody," she said.

"In the brightest day, in the darkest night; your light shines so bright. In the face of corruption and pettiness; your heart remains pure and great. In the acts of contempt and disgrace; you remain with respect full of grace. In the reality of evil, you remain righteous. Carson, son of Jon, you make the cosmos smile. You have so much ahead of you, you are barely in the beginning. There will always be temptations and deceit, but you are strong with the power of will. Your judgement is fair and your destiny is greatness; not with fame, but with love," she added.

Carson then thanked the Lady of Light. "One more thing," she said, "You might wanna come back soon to visit Buddy. You can take Greg with you." And then Carson awakened and returned home.


Brighton then went to LA with the premiere of her movie "Miracles From Heaven." Carson supported her and joined her in the red carpet. That same night, Brighton went with Carson in his house. They talked about his career and also the musers who gained fame overnight even without bearing real talent.

"You are blessed, my love," said Brighton, "You are a multi-talented artist and performer. You are an amazing basketball player. You are a good student academically. Your looks surpass every boy in this planet. And those are only the toppings, here's the main scoop. You have a loving family. I love you and my family loves you as well. You have amazing friends who support you. Your fans are true."

She then turns to the musers' fandoms. "Those musers might have fans now but tomorrow, they will jump ship to another celebrity," she said, "You are so blessed Carson, we are very blessed. Miracles are everywhere. Sometimes we might not see it directly but if we just look hard enough, we will see that it is everywhere."

Carson and Diane thanked Brighton for her very loving and encouraging words. "I love you so much Brighton, thank you so much for loving me the way I love you," said Carson. "I love you so much Carson, you're my reason of living," she replied as they hugged and Diane smiled and then they group hugged.


After a few weeks, a tragedy struck them catching them off-guard. Moje died with complications of kidney and liver failure. Carson just got home from a photo-shoot with Charles Gitnick. Seeing her mother shedding tears while holding the dead Moje just broke his heart. He carried Moje as countless tears fell from his eyes rolling down his cheeks and dropping onto Moje.

He called Greg who was lying on his bed ready to sleep. Upon learning of the tragedy, Greg came to Carson's house as fast as he could. He also held Moje with teary eyes. Carson told Diane that he's going to the hills with Greg to breathe some fresh air.

They brought a folding chair each and rested beside the Tree of Life. After a few minutes, they fell asleep. The Lady of Light appeared. "J-Jordyn? Is that you?" asked Greg. "No Greg, I'm the Lady of Light. I have chosen the image of your best friend Jordyn so you would not be hesitant to express what you truly feel."

"The time has come for both of you to be taken to an evening of a summer in 2011. You will both see Buddy and Moje for one last time," she said. "Yes please," they said. "One last thing," she added, "Don't make contact with your former self or your family because it will definitely change your futures." "But won't it be just a dream?" asked Carson. "No it won't, it is for real," she answered, "In this Universe, super-powers and mystic lore will not be revealed upon the world. So I'm making things here as low key as possible."

"Remember, if any of you two would make contact to your former self and your family in 2011, some possibilities are you might never have met Greg or you might never have become an artist in LA. Only make contact with the two dogs," she said. The Lady of Light then raised both of her hands and summoned a portal to Spokane, Washington in 2011. Carson and Greg stepped into the portal and came to the backyard of the Lueders' lake house.

Inside the house, the Lueders family is having dinner and both Carson and Greg was overhearing the 10 year-old Carson laughing with Jackson and Olivia. "Your voice was so cute then Carson," smiled Greg as Carson smiled back. Then suddenly, Buddy and Moje came walking out of the open door.

"Buddy! Moje!" they exclaimed as Carson kneeled down and hugged Buddy while Greg carried Moje. Carson wept a lot while hugging Buddy uttering that he missed him so much. Greg hugged Moje tight and said that it will be the last time he's gonna be able to hug him. Carson's face is wet with tears as he carried Moje and Greg knelt to hug Buddy. It is Greg's first time meeting Buddy for he hasn't gone to Spokane yet.

After weeping while hugging Moje tight, Carson hugged Buddy again. Carson won't stop crying and hugging his Buddy. The 10 year old Carson inside the house is looking for Moje so he went to check him outside where the present 15 year old Carson and Greg were. "Carson, it's time to go," said Greg, "Your younger self is on the way here, let's go." Carson is still hugging Buddy while crying so Greg grabbed both of his hands and carried Carson towards the portal. "I'm so sorry bro, but I won't risk a life without my best friend," he said as he's still carrying a crying Carson while stepping out to the 2016 LA.

"That was a close one," said the Lady of Light, "I'm so sorry for your loss Carson. Condolences from the cosmos." Then suddenly, Carson woke up drenched with sweat and tears while Greg woke up shocked. "Carson?" said Greg as he stood up. Carson then stood up and continued crying. Greg hugged Carson and he hugged him back. "I'm so sorry Carson," said Greg as he shed a few tears, "I can't take it seeing my best friend cry like this. I'm always here for you bro, I'm always here for you."

Carson then realized the miracle that Greg is his best friend that he's always there for him. He stopped crying and told Greg: "Thank you so much for being my best friend Greg, love you bro." "Anything for you Carson, love you too bro." And then finally, they went home with lesser burden especially for Carson.

Carson Lueders' Love Story Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora