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*University AU. Nathaniel couldn't help but be lovestruck by the blonde bee heroine, but thinks he never has a chance with her until he uses a lighter. They're 20 years old*


"...Nathaniel~ I have something I want to tell you~..." the yellow and black clad heroine whispered soft and sweetly as she walked closer and closer to the red head artist.
It was midnight as Nathaniel stood oddly enough on his own rooftop, standing there as he saw the beautiful heroine walk closer and closer to the mesmerized artist.
Somehow he couldn't say a word, his mouth either hanging open half way in awe or his throat becoming dry when he couldn't peer away from her hypnotizing gaze.

He didn't have any time to respond as he felt her black and yellow gloved hand lightly caress his cheek, her long pointed nails poke his already rosey-pink skin. Nathaniel let his eyes follow her other hand as it brushed away his bangs from his face.
Both turquoise shined eyes stared helplessly at those gorgeously ocean blue ones and the unwavering gaze that could just make anyone's legs become weak.
He noticed the light curve of her lips and could smell the light sent of honey from her breath. She chuckled lightly.

God, she is so beautiful...

"You have such pretty eyes for an artist like you~" she cooed to the teen, who had been staring at her like an idiot and blinked, trying to find composure and gain his sanity as he felt her nails play with his skin and red hair. His cheeks not cooling down as it stayed in it's usual pinkish color.
He couldn't form the right words and closed his eyes shut, feeling her breath hit directly on his thin lips. He didn't see her squinting her eyes and her smile grew as she blew her own breath to the boy's skin.
She's playing with him, playing with his emotions, and to his thoughts, she liked it.
He heard her chuckle again and he opened his eyes to see her face closer to his like it wasn't already. Nathaniel felt his own heart go wild and wanting to be set free from his ribcage and bump into hers.
He glanced down to the heroine's lips colored in nude lipstick, then at her lovely blue eyes, and back down at her lips.

His own felt dry and he just wanted to slam his lips into hers. She was so beautiful and taunting and scary and mesmerizing, having too much fun with him as she spoke in a sweet delicate voice of hers.
"Oh Nathy..." she sighed in a dreamy sense. "You're so cute you know that? So talented and so pretty...I know how to make things a little better~...."

This time Nathaniel actually had a word come out of his lips


Queen bee nodded slowly, keeping her eyes on him, and then her eyes fluttered close. Her hands still cupping his face as she moved closer to his own lips.

She going to kiss him. Oh she's so going to kiss him.

Only an inch closer and she would....

Beep beep beep

Please, don't let that be her miraculous.

Beep beep beep

Please...stay, don't go... just an inch

Beep beep beep

...just a little—


Beep beep beep. Beep beep beep. Beep beep beep.

Turquoise eyes jolted open, seeing the sudden ceiling of his bedroom and feeling the light coldness of his body. His own bed in a mess as his blanket was half on the mattress and half on the floor. Papers and crumpled up pieces of his art scattered around his bedroom. Comic books and action figures either on his body or on the ground.

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