Jim Morrison: A Narrative

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A/N: This is a narrative of who I thought Jim Morrison was. It is not all accurate, but it doesn't really matter. It's a story after all. Anyway, enjoy!

Jim Morrison. 

He was a gentle soul with an urge to tell the truth. He'd write poems to himself on hot summer days to wash the pain away. Drugs and alcohol would occasionally step into the picture, but he didn't want to acknowledge it. His getaway was a curse, he was always dazed and confused. 

He'd meet a few girls he thought were endearing, but they didn't stick around too long. They'd fuss at him for being secluded. He was always deep in thought, ignoring everything around him. 

Some may consider him a poor soul for being unaware of his surroundings, but it was just the good ol' stimulants taking control of his body. Friends would tell him to lay off the drugs, but he'd refuse out of fear of losing his passion. He knew the consequences, but was so caught up in the sick pleasure it brought. It was his only way of dealing with the curse of fame and fortune. Quite frankly, it was all going too fast for him. The only way he could truly slow it down was through the use of drugs and alcohol. 

He loved his creativity more than anything in the world. He always wondered why people didn't have the will to be weird, but then again, he considered people to be the strangest organisms he had ever seen. People were strange. He hated people, well, all except for his band mates and close friends. 

He would go to quiet, unfrequented places, such as deserts, to escape from the miserable place called Earth. The peaceful atmosphere brought pure joy to him. At one point, he invited his friends to his 'little paradise.' They played a few games and sang a couple tunes, it was surely an enjoyable time. 

When he was feeling a bit lonely and aroused, he made his way to bars and strip clubs. He'd buy a girl a drink and flirt with her until he grew tired of it. Most of the time, he would go home empty handed, not even a bit intoxicated. After all, he wasn't the one to actual drink the alcohol, he would just purchase it for a lovely lady and move on. He wasn't in the mood for a hangover. 

He'd have friends ask, 'Jim, when are you gonna find a girl and settle down?' He never exactly knew how to answer that question. Sure, he wanted to settle down with a nice girl, but it was difficult. He thought they wouldn't understand his poetic nature and varied opinions. Besides, it was best to keep to himself while he still actually had his ticket to fame. 

At times, he liked to joke around and have fun. He wasn't completely controlled by drugs and alcohol, after all. He was just a man, a man who loved friendly company. It was sort of a closure to all the bad spirits within him. It was reassuring to have trusted people by his side. He was at his best when he was goofing off with friends. They got to see the real, the cool, Jim Morrison. They, including Jim himself, wouldn't have it any other way. 

Jim sometimes wished he never got a hold of his demons, the ones who caused him to go into the wrong crowd of drugs and alcohol. It just wasn't him. There were points in his life that he tried to give up, to run away from his main issues, but just couldn't. It was addictive, as addictive as listening to your favorite song. Yes, music was most definitely addictive, Jim surely knew that. Music was the only reason Jim was able to keep away from drugs and alcohol for some amount of time. Music was his best friend. 

It was two against one for Jim when it came to his vices. In every battle he faced, drugs and alcohol would always end up as the winner. He absolutely hated it. He didn't want to feel trapped any longer. Everyone knew him as the cool rock star who smoked and drank, it was exhausting. People thought he was a complete psycho, which he was not. He was human, a human with feelings for that matter. He wanted to be treated like the poetic vocalist people fell in love with, not a washed up shell of a man. 

He was charismatic, a dream in the eyes of a woman. He had the looks, the talent, but he never understood why people wanted him to find his fame on his own. He loved his band, the guys were awesome. They were what made the band The Doors. Never, and he means never, will he rid them from the band. They kept the puzzle pieces in place and he couldn't possibly take them away. 

Take away the fame, take away the executives, he wouldn't care. Just never take away his friends, he'd be lost without them. And NEVER take away his creativity, his songs, his poems. He wouldn't be the same without his own creativity, the same creativity that earned a fan base. He'd just be another strange human in the world, with no purpose other than to be normal. 

He was the wild child. He was a poetic soul. He was an entertainer. He was a goof. He was one hell of a vocalist. He was Jim Morrison.

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