Lost Love

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She looked over her pathway, disappointed. It was no use. He left her and had no intention of coming back. Oh, how she wished he did return.


"I love you." He whispered, stroking her her cheek with his thumb. He leaned in to kiss her, but she turned away.

"I can't," She began, grabbing his hand. "I love you, but I can't do it."

"I'll wait for you, my love," He told her. "Even if it takes all eternity."

End of Flashback

He never did wait forever. He grew tired of waiting for her and left, like the others. Being left behind wasn't something foreign, it was old news. She tried her best to get used to it, but couldn't bare to do so. It was too much for her to take.

"Why didn't I accept his love?" She asked miserably. "Why didn't I prove that I truly loved him? God, why am I so stupid?"

She stopped in her tracks, tears began to form in her eyes. "No," She began stubbornly. "I did this, so I can't cry. That's a weak thing to do, I'm not weak."

I'm stronger than that. He's better off without me, she thought to herself.

"I loved you so, so much," She whispered as she looked to the sky. "It's over and it's all my fault."

She kicked a pebble and sighed. "I guess it's lost love." She whispered and headed back to the camp grounds, where all her friends were waiting.

It was lost love. Lost love, indeed.

The End.

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