A date?

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Brock walked in shadows, trying to keep out of sight, he kept fidgeting with the tie around his neck, he wasn't used to being so formal
"Wouldn't he be happy to just see me in a normal outfit?" He asked himself
"Ugh but he is a king right? Maybe this is normal? Or maybe it's a special occasion! Maybe he actually likes me!" He squeaked slightly his tail wagging now
"Alright, alright, calm down Amb- Brock" he corrected himslef
"You could just be getting worked up for nothing" they kept arguing with themself going through the forest until they came up to the gates, golden, with a vine like pattern, around the kingdom they felt a spiritual aura around it as he walked to the guards near then
"What business have ye here" one asked
"Can you guys not talk in old timey english or is that all you know?" He retorted
"I have business with your king, Sam?, i'm sure you've heard of him"
The guard spoke to one another in elven, Brock could understand a few words
"Pass?, king, expecting"
"Yes i believe the king is execting me" he replied
"You can understand us?" The female guard asked
"A few words yes" he replied, he had hidden his ears and tail before the encounter
"Please enter, though we would like to see an invitation, if you would" they asked
Brock held up a small hand-written letter to them
"You may pass" they said opening the gates

Brock walked up the stairs of the great tower that led to where Brock was to meet Sam for the 'surprise', their tail was wagging with excitement that just couldn't be contained, his ear twitched when he reached the door, he knocked on the door in a rhythm, the door opened to reveal the blonde boy, he wore a medium, red robe with golden trims, and the spirit elven emblem on the back
"Hey! How yah doin'?" Sam asked him gesturing for him to come in
"I'm good, and you?" He asked
"I'm great now that you're here!- I mean err, I'm great" he replied
"That's good so, question, why am I here?" He questioned further
"To watch the fireworks, you know, it's my...well my father's birthday" he said a gloomy look on his face,  he started walking towards the balcony, he layed his arms on the railing and lent over, Brock layed his arm over Sam's shoulders
"If you ever want to t-"
"No, it's fine, i know you're here"
"Listen i understand it hurts i've seen it happen aswell, my family killed, my friends hurt, people i'v-" he was cut off by him being pinned to a wall
"S-sam, wh-what're you doing?" He asked their voice now their female forms shit she thought as her body changed into her own form, she was kissed, slightly shorter than Sam now, she had long orange hair, she blushed, and fainted by the end of it

* * *

She woke up in the morning in a nice bed, the guest bed of the castle? Next to her was breakfast and a note, she quickly scoffed down the toast, and drank some of the tea before spitting it out
"Tea" she hissed, she stood up and stretched
"Oh it feels like I haven't eaten in over a thousand years! Hm what's this?" She picked up the note and started reading, it was written in elven, old but he could translate it, as she skimmed through she read some key words
"Meet" "downstairs" "form" "why" "hurt" "sorry"
Most other words she couldn't read
"Okay so basically meet him downstairs, he know- HE KNOWS FUCK!" She looked up and down herself and changed forms back into Brock, he walked downstairs and tried not to break form out of panic
"H-hey" he said as he reached the bottom of the staircase
"I just wanted to apologize for kissing you and start by saying i din't mind that you're a female- err have a female form normally, but i didn't know that you were, well-" he was cut off by Brock's hand rippled, and his image broke back down into Amber's form
"Shit" she said
"I'm sorry but, if i may ask, what is your...real name?" Sam asked her
"Well...I am, Amber, if dimension D-63, and, no one else is allowed to know, got it?" She asked her eyes the size of slits, he nodded, she looked away from him blushed and then kissed him straight on the lips, they were roughly the same height, sam being taller by maybe a centimeter, she was pressed up against him, her arms around his waist, she had her eyes closed, unable to see him she blushed bright red and opened her eyes, to see his, blue like sparkling ravines of water.

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