Chapter 8

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The next morning, Anna tapped on Christina's door.

"Breakfast, Charlie?"

Christina was already awake and dressed. Hearing Charlie made her smile. When Christina and her mother were fooling around, they would call each other by different names. Charlie just came out one day and stuck.

"OK coming, can you open the door please?"

Anna did as was asked.

"Good morning Anna, how are you today?"

"Fine Miss Christina... fine. It's a beautiful morning. Breakfast is on the table in the dining room. Mr. Ben is already there."

Christina moved quicker in the chair now, as she was getting used to it and in a few seconds was by the table side.

"Morning," said Ben.

"Good morning to you too."

"You're the chirpy one today. Are you a morning person?"

"Only when I'm hungry." She laughed.

Ben helped her onto a chair.

"Mmm. Oatmeal with honey, nothing better."

"I thought you didn't eat sugar?"

"I don't. Honey is not the same as refined sugar. It's refined sugar that does all the harm. It's the most addictive substance on the planet," Christina added as she stirred a large spoon of honey into the oatmeal.

"I love it when it becomes thinner and mingles with the oatmeal. There is something quite pretty about it."

"The most addictive substance on the planet... don't you think that's a bit of a strong statement to make? What about say — "Heroin, that's what you were about to say' right?"

"Er... yes."

"Heroin is always the one that everyone brings up. It's interesting, isn't it, that ninety percent of people instantly think of heroin being the most addictive substance."

"I wouldn't say it's interesting; I just believe it to be so."

"Why do you believe it? Media convinced you and millions of others, so it becomes truth."

"Well, I'll just stick with my sugar for now if that's ok with you" Ben came back.

"Anyway, let's not disagree so early in the day."

Christina wanted to explain about the demon sugar but sensed that was better avoided.

"I have a campervan in the garage that hasn't been out for a while. How do you feel about spending a day up at the lake?"

"Almost like a date, you mean? People will talk and point at such a big age gap...."

Ben had an emotion flush but managed to stop his face at the pink stage, where you hope no-one noticed.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that. It was a stupid remark... Yes, I would love to go to sit by a lake."

They finished their breakfasts, and after a bit of a struggle getting into the high level of the camper, they were on their way. There was little conversation apart from the scenery and it being a nice day. Ben pulled off the main highway and onto a rough stony track.

"It's about a mile up here, a bit bumpy now and then but that's not a bad thing as it keeps people out."

"That is just the thing that would make me want to explore the track," she said.

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