Oh look more E

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Boss I really don't want to do this-yeah I get it's not really a me thing but I don't-but I don't know these people, you're-well yeah I'm great and they should know me but--fine, whatever. I'll do it.

1. Name: Ethan Andrew Thomas
2. Nickname(s): Big E, E, Blondmegeddon, big bad blond
3. Birthday: June 15
4. That makes you: 25
5. Where were you born: Dunno. Woods, maybe?
6. Location right now: Trying to sleep /glares down at le interviewer/
7. Shoe size: Big
8. How many piercings?: One stud and clasp in each ear.
9. Tattoos?: Maybe someday
10. When you wake up you're: Hungry
11. When your about to sleep you're: Hungry
12. Zodiac sign: Gemini
13. Chinese sign: No idea
14. Righty or Lefty: I don't write
15. Innie or Outie: =-=
16. School: No.

Section Two: Looks

17. Nationality: I dunno, white?
20. Weight: 106 feet of pure muscle
21. Height: Just-just said it. 106 feet. You listening down there??
22. Braces? /bares fangs/ Do you see any braces??
23. Glasses? No, my eyes are great.

Section Three: Private Life

24. Do you have a boy/girlfriend? No.
25. If so, who? No one
26. If not, do you have a crush on someone? Nope
27. Who has a crush on you? Don't know, don't care.
28. Ever cheated on your bf/gf? Nope, I'd never do that to them.
29. Who was your first kiss: Never had one.
30. Who was your last kiss: Never had one.
31. Are you a virgin? /snorts/ Not interested.
32. Ever had a threesome before? Hah, no. The other people'd be lucky to have me though.
33. NQ- Ever been swarmed by ladybugs?: I don't like bugs.
34. Have you ever been in love? Depends if you mean love love or friend love. Friend love, yeah.
35. Broken any hearts? Probably a lot.
36. Got your heart broken? Few times.
37. Ever liked a friend? Yeah, I loved my one friend a lot.
38. What happened? I left and now I'm miserable, can we move on?

Section Four: Past Relationships

39. How many relationships have you been in? None I care to remember.
40. How many were serious enough to count: /rolls eyes/
41. Who were those serious ones: No
42. NQ- Who USED to be your best friend: I only had one and we-..weren't like that.
43. What made them different: ....
44. What happened: ...
45. Best boy/girlfriend: None
46. Worst boy/girlfriend: None
47. Ever been kissed: Nope
48. Who do you want back: I want my friend back, but I don't think I can do it.
49. What do you regret: Leaving my friend.
50. Why?: They were the first person who got me, and who liked me for who I was without being afraid.

Section Five: Favourites

51. Song: I dunno, I like a lot of music. Right now I'm hooked on P!ATD's Emperor's New Clothes.
52. Movie: Anything that isn't horror.
53. Food: Humans're nice, and so's fish.
54. Drink: Mild bloody mary, and milk
55. Store: Any one's that's big enough to fit me.
56. Television show: Attack on Titan. I like the Titans.
57. Holiday: Christmas. One time of the year everyone's not at each other's throats.
58. Book: Don't read.
59. Ice cream: Greenbery blitz. it's a family flavor.
60. Sweets: Humans make a nice treat, so I guess them. /looks at the interviewer thoughtfully/ You're human, right?....
61. Crisps: French fries
62. Type of music: Depends on my mood. Usually rock.
63. Artist: I really like Brendon Urie
64. Word: Away. As in go away.
65. Time of day: Dusk, when it's quiet but warm.
66. Dressing: Don't know, don't like veggies.
67. Alcoholic drink: I answered this already, genius. If you're not gonna buy me one, stop askin'. =_=#
68. Colour(s): Green'n black.
69. Piece of clothing: My t-shirts, jeans, and occasionally sneakers or boots. Depends on the day.
70. Character: Myself, obviously. /smirks and puffs out his chest/
71. Smell: Fish. Freshly caught or cooked, but fishy smells.
72. Shampoo: The kind I use
73. Soap: The kind thatsmells nice.
74. Smiley: ewe
75. Board game: Sorry. I'm not sorry.
76. Sport: The one where they hit each other a lot.
77. Number: /shrugs/
78. Quote: Meh, don't got one.
79. Animal: Lions're cool.
80. Actor: Chaning Tatum. Guy could learn how to be a real charmer with me.
82. Vegetable: Ew
83. Fruit: Greenberries
84. Place to be: In my room by myself
85. Thing in your room: Wow you're not getting these hints, huh-I like my bed.
86. Gum: Don't chew it. Gets stuck on my teeth.
87. Shape: Triangles.
88. Country: Mine?
89. Mall: Don't care
90. Car: Don't drive, 106 feet tall, I walk.
91. Boy's name: Ethan
92. Girl's name: Lilia
93. Family member: My brothers
94. Restaurant: Damian's place, local stop.
95. Movie place: My living room
96. Person to go to the movies with: The fam
97. Noise: Hearing a kid laugh.../smiles gently/
98. Brand of Shoe: /reverts back to the glare/ I don't know the comfy kind
99. Brand of clothing: Uhghhh
100. Body part of a chicken: The thighs
101. Swear word: Is there one for an annoying interviewer that won't leave you alone? Because I'd like that one.
102. Month: The one with my birthday
103. Possession: My earrings
104. Team: Don't care
105. Season: Summer, when it's hot
106. Radio station: Don't know, the rock station
107. Magazine: Don't read
112. Subject: Myself
113. Subject to talk about: Myself, stupid

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