Kick It Into Overdrive

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"I'm bored, guys." Sirius said for the one millionth time that day. They were having a free period, and Sirius was repeatedly complaining that there was 'absolutely nothing to do'.

"Gee, I wonder where I heard that refrain before." James muttered sarcastically. He looked up at Sirius. "Well, then what do you want to do?"

Sirius rolled his eyes. "If I wanted to do something, I would have done it already and I wouldn't be bored right now."

Remus snickered.

"What should we do?" Sirius whined.

James' eyes suddenly lit up.

"What?" Sirius said excitedly, throwing himself out of bed.

James rubbed his hands together. "Andromeda gave you Dungbombs, didn't she? And Filibuster's Fireworks?"

An evil grin crept across Sirius' face. "You're right. Come on, we still have thirty minutes, what do you want to do?"

"Technically, we only have twenty-five minutes." Remus pointed out. "You spent the first five minutes chanting 'I'm bored, guys, there's nothing to do.'"

Sirius smirked and ran his hands through his hair. "I suppose so."

Then he turned to James. "What do you want to do?" he repeated.

James furrowed his brows, and then cleared. "I know exactly what we should do."

Sirius leaned in, and James whispered it to him. Then Sirius whispered it to Remus.

"Why are we whispering?" Remus laughed. "There's no one here." Then he winced, because even laughing hurt. His aches were getting worse as the full moon neared.

James looked over at Remus in concern. "Remus, are you okay? You've seemed really out of shape these few days."

Remus gave him a forced grin that he had perfected over the years. "No, James, I'm fine. Guess I just feel a little under the weather, but seriously, nothing I can't handle."

"If you're sure." James shrugged.

Remus paused, then spoke up. "But are you sure that we should do this prank right now?"

Sirius jumped up in indignation. "What do you mean? Yes, we should! We've been planning this our whole lives, Remus!"

"You mean James only just came up with it fifteen seconds ago." Remus laughed. "But in all seriousness-"

Sirius snickered.

"Don't you mean sirius - ness, Remus?" James sniggered.

"I am so bloody proud of you, James!" Sirius fake-squealed. He gave James a quick high five and then they turned to Remus.

"You were saying?" they both said in unison, putting on fake, er, serious expressions.

Remus rolled his eyes, but continued anyway. "I was saying that maybe we shouldn't do this without Peter. I mean, he's our friend, too, and, well, we shouldn't be so mean as to leave him out of our first prank."

Sirius sighed. "Yeah, I guess you're right."

That day, Peter had gotten a detention with Flitwick, the head of Ravenclaw house, for running after James, Sirius, and Remus in the corridors, and then accidentally kicking over a suit of armour, which smashed its helmet and visor.

"But once Peter gets back, we're so doing this." Sirius said determinedly.

The three boys eagerly sat down - well, James and Sirius eagerly did it, at least, - and started making plans on a piece of parchment.

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