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                                                                             (GORE WARNING <3)

Ryan's story starts simple, he had a happy childhood, it was quite a normal life. well...... maybe not since he was one years old, it brought him a great amount joy to kill little helpless ants, more then it should, grade wise he was smart but got kicked out of schools due to bullying others,  when he turned six he was told by his dad, (who he was close to) told him he was gonna be a big brother, when he heard about it. he didn't really care for the idea of having a sibling. Ryan was not upset yet not too happy about the idea at the same time. the time his mother was pregnant he grew more and more attached to his father, till the day a young baby girl was brought into the world, Ryan's little sister lily, that day something that was waiting inside his brain for so long suddenly clicked.

 The day started normal, it was a fall day in October, it was of course quite cold and a  little nippy too, cold enough to need a sweater. but on this weekend Ryan and his father went to play a game of catch, with their ball and mitts, they had lots and lots of fun until his father got a call from Ryan's aunt to get to the hospital FAST!!, so his father took the ball and grabbed Ryan as they ran to the car and quickly got in and started up the engine, they started to speed to the hospital until they took a sharp turn around a corner suddenly SMASH!! the entire front of the car was a wreck, bits of metal scrap and tiny shards of glass flew everywhere, yet Ryan was physically unharmed by the incident, when he opened his eye's he was to see his father in such a state as he just stare at the bloody remains of his father, a large peace of metal sliced through his father, his organs visable. his intestines slowly fall as his torso started to slide slowly towards Ryan, suddenly it stops, caught on the seat belt witch was surprisingly in tact, the metallic sent of blood wisps past his nostrils, as he caught a little smell of his fathers blood, the way the blood trickled down his face and made a little plopping sound, against the peace of metal making a sound, just like rain hitting the ground, yet so different, a little bit of his fathers blood splattered on Ryan's face, it wasn't alot.  yet enough to make something suddenly click in his brain at that moment, there were witnesses around to see the crash, so Ryan was sent to the hospital just to be safe, when he was in the hospital, the doctors checked him over physically and brought him to his mother, Ryan's mother cried out for joy just knowing that her baby boy was safe and sound, as she held Lily in her arms who was fast asleep, the mother let Ryan have a peek at his new baby sister, and once again another little thing clicked in his brain, Lily looked a lot like their father, so from that moment on Ryan was protective over his new baby sister Lily.

He shared his ball and mitts with her as soon as she was old enough, he used his fathers glove, and she used his old glove, they would play catch for hours, he told her tons of stories of their father, few years later he started high school, in October (20th)  he had met a girl and they clicked almost instantly,  at the same time Lily met Charline,  (different people) at this point he started a journal, his mother made him go to therapy, this was annoying to him, nothing was wrong.... the year went by and it was summer, Ryan and the girl got into a fight (why? that will be later in the book).  FINALLY the school year started.... and September they got a new janitor, finally it was October and Lily's birthday just past, a day after her birthday Ryan's friend was found dead in the hallway of the school, six stab wounds in her gut, the only people in the school where the janitor, Ryan and his friend, the janitor found the body, Ryan was nowhere to be found, unfortunately the security cameras where down for maintenance that night, to this day nobody knows who killed the girl, most think it was the janitor, but due to lack of evidence the case was cut short, till Lily went to the same high school and discovered the dark truth, read on.... if you dare.   

character descriptions:

Ryan Burnside: tall pale boy with ginger hair and piercing blue eyes wearing a grey hoodie, black skinny jeans and black convers

Lily Burnside: ginger hair with bright green eyes sorta short

Charlene Cane: black hair with hazel eyes tad taller then lily

authors note:

chapters:the story its self.

entry: the journal (wont be as often)

((yellow yellow yellow! its me! yeah thats right... wait you don't know who i am.. uhmm here is my G+ and Youtube!! maybe my DA i'm more active on such sites! yet i do have an account on here but alas i do not have my password or user name anyways!! i put more detail in this godforsaken book (love it by the way hun uvu if ya'll want more from me just let a me know >:^0 also i enjoy role playing and gore, so i add alot of detail, unfortunately my brain is scattered at this time, so alas i am unable to add anymore.

have those!!))

The journal (*READ DESCRIPTION*)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz