Time Leap

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In the castle of the Kouka kingdom the king and his four dragons; wherein the throne room watching a swirling vortex that was opening above them. No one else was in the room with them because the king sent "Are you sure your majesty that this is a good idea?" asked Abi the seiryuu.

"Don't you want to see what the seiryuu is like in the future?" said Hiryuu "Besides it won't change history."

"I would like to see what the future ouryuu will be like?" asked Zeno as he was looking at the vortex.

"Of course you do. You just want to know what kind of power the ouryuu has" said Gu-en.

"We all want to know what Zeno can do. We are still trying to figure it out. Besides, I wouldn't mind what the future ryokuryuu is like" said Shu-ten.

"Well they should be here any moment," said King Hiryuu as the vortex was finishing opening all the way.

There was a moment of silences when a man with green hair came out of the vortex and landed on his feet. "Another beautiful la..." said Jae-ha until a man with white hair came out of the vortex and landed on Jae-ha and send both of them to the ground. They did not have time to move when a man with a mask on came out of the vortex and landed right on top of them. Then there came a man with a yellow hair out of the vortex and land on top of everyone. "That was fun can we do that again," said future Zeno. Shin-ah looked back up at the vortex and said "Yona".

"Princess! Zeno catch her!" yelled Kija that was still under Shin-ah. Future Zeno out and right into his arms. Yona lands on top of everyone. "Princess are you alright? Are you hurt?" asked a worry Kija that was under Shin-ah.

"I am fine but what just happen?" asked Yona "Is everyone okay?"

"Don't you worry princess we are fine. We landed safely" said Kija.

"Zeno did not get hurt when he came out of the vortex that opens up soundly and pulled everyone in," said Zeno. Shin-ah did not say anything he just nods his head. Jae-ha that ended on the bottom said: "I am happy the Yona dear is alright but can everyone get off of me you are all too heavy."

"Sorry Jae-ha," said Yona as she was getting off of everyone. Then Zeno next got up followed by Shin-ah. Then last to get off of Jae-ha was Kija. Yona walked over to Jae-ha and said: "Jae-ha are you alright?"

Jae-ha got up and hold onto one of the Yona hands and said: "Yes Yona dear I hurt all over so let' s go somewhere private and have you heal me."

Kija walked over to Jae-ha and said "Jae-ha! You can't say something like that to the princess. I think you hit your head hard on the landing. We should have Shin-ha have a look at it to see if there are any cracks in it."

"Oh no Jae-ha; you hit your head we need to have it looked at it at once," said Yona with a worried face. "Wait that is not what I mean," said Jae-ha but before the conversation could continue Shin-ah came over and got their attention and pointed at five other people in the room.

King Hiryuu and his dragons they saw that was in the room with them. There were a couple of minutes of silence between both groups. Until Yona turn to look at passed Zeno and then she turns to see the future Zeno. When Yona looked at future Zeno she could see mixed emotions like shocked, sadness, and happiness. Yona went over to Zeno and put her hand on his arm. Zeno was pulled back from his memories when he felt a hand on him he turned to see that it was Yona. "Zeno by the way you are looking at them. Are they the original dragons and King Hiryuu?" asked Yona.

"WHAT!? But how did we get here? How did this happen? Don't tell me that we died. We just got together again and started to serve

Jae-ha turned to Kija and said, "We are not dead."

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