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"Hey," a warm voice trails by my ear from behind me, a warm breath cascading over my skin and causing a few strands of hair to shift. I smile and lean back, biting down on my entire bottom lip as the mountain of a demigod wraps his arms around me.
"Hey," i reply. Its been two years since i became a demigoddess, and we've been living on Maui's island ever since. Frequently visiting home and te fiti and everywhere else. "How was your flight?" I ask, watching the horizon fade from orange to purple and then to blue, darkening to black.
"Gotta love the highwinds," he spoke softly, his arms wrapped around my waist, thumbs caressing along the tattoos depicting father and grandmother's spirit forms. "Speaking of the highwinds, someone finally made it up-" my gasp cut him off, i spun around with a stupid smile on my face.
"Yep, Airini and Anitelu were circling the poor kid the whole time," he laughed. "Then again, id probably be no different, have the kid lifelined to the mass," he looked out at the small ship we took so many adventures on, only a little ways over was the other ship. Built that one with our own hands, its got two stabilising canoes instead of one, huge mass and sail, and all that built around a small cabin, this ship is built for long hauls. Though we still don't use our new ship very much, our old one is much faster.
"I don't doubt that," i slither my arms around his neck, pressing myself against him. We have been trying for children, really trying, but having said that not all of our most intimate moments have been in thought of expanding the family. On occasion we enjoy ourselves for the pure bliss of it all.
"I feel like swimming," i say aloud, looking at the calm ocean.
"Want your oar?" He offers, glancing at the cave.
"Not really," i whisper, barely slipping my fingertips under his waistband, he clears his throat.
"Mo, the ocean is alive, remember?" A warm finger raises my chin until i meet his gaze. "And watching," his smirk grows as my eyes widen. I turn around and slip away from his grasp slowly, keeping my gaze locked with his as i smirk and slowly walk backwards into the water, well that was the theory, i got swallowed. The ocean engulfed me and literally threw me onto my smaller ship, the one from the journey to restore the heart of te fiti.
"Something wrong ocean?" I ask, confused by the waters sudden behaviour until it motioned up and, how did i not notice the moon?!? And how did i not notice the fact that the moon is cracking?!?!??
"Right here," his voice came from beside me but i couldnt pull my gaze from the large cracks seeming to seep darkness. Barely a soft flutter draws my attention, a small bird landed with a note in its claws. In a puff of glowing moss green the winged creature vanished, leaving a scroll to fall at my feet.
"Father," i spoke as i quickly picked up the fabric and looked at the two words scribbled on it.
Montonui's pike.
I grabbed hold of the mass as the ship jerked forward, off the sand and into the water. Me and Maui quickly assumed our positions and were quickly sailing at high speed straight for Montonui.
"Any idea whats going on?" I call, not pulling my eyes from the stars that lay guiding us.
"None come to mind, but somethings happening with the goddess Hina."
"Of course!" She's literally the goddess of the moon, that only begs the questions.
What happened to her?
And why is the ocean so upset?

The Hardest Goodbye(Moana X maui)                                              .Where stories live. Discover now