Chapter 2

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From now on it will be Harry/ Percy POV (Percy will be italicized) until I say otherwise.

Hope you enjoy!

Suddenly we heard Lily say, "What is this?!"

We creeped down the stairs and saw Lily holding two letters. James walked over saying, "What's wrong?"

"Here" she said thrusting the two letter into his arms.

"Merlin's Beard!" He exclaimed. He started to walk to the stairs.

As we scrambled to our bedroom as quietly as we could we heard James coming up the stairs. As we closed to the door to our bedroom we jumped onto the bed and grabbed the nearest book.

"Aww why did you have to pick up Hogwarts: A History, that book is boring." Percy complained.

"Shut up" I said to him as someone started to knock on the door.

As James walked in I said harshly, "Hi James."

He flinched, "Hi son..."

"What do you want?" I said.

"I got a letter for you" he said as he passed the thick envelope to me.

"Thanks James" I said.

"Son. Why do call me James? I'm your father." He said confused.

At that I got mad. "You got no right to say that you're my father. No father would ever forget their son for 5 years." I yelled and ran behind him and went into the library and our hidden cove that we made.

"Son. Stop." he shouted as he tried to keep up.

As we got into our cove we cried ourselves to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2017 ⏰

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