Chapter 1

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  BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! I wake up and rub my eyes. I slowly yawn and stretch. I look at the clock, slowly groaning and yawning. I know it’s time to interact with what I hate most; people. I close my eyes and as soon as I about to fall back asleep, a black, shiny tail gets wiped across my face. “Hey Jinx” I say groggily. He slowly paws at my face and jumps on the floor. I slide my feet off the bed, get dressed and brush my teeth. I don’t bother eating breakfast because I know I won’t be able to keep it down. Nobody’s in the house when I head out, only me, my cat Jinx and my tickets for a Pierce The Veil and Sleeping with Sirens concert tonight at 7pm. I’m going with my best friend Rose. “Dunedin High School, just another hell hole.” I sigh. After 10 minutes I hear “Athena, time to go to first period.” Rose says as she pulls my arm all the way to first period.

  I look at the time, 1:34. One more minute. And for what seems like forever, I finally hear “DING! DING!” I’m the first one up. I get in my car and rush home. I feverishly pet Jinx and rush to my room. I look at the clock, set a timer for 5pm and go to sleep. I wake up with the sound of the alarm going off and I quickly jump out of bed. I lay out my clothes and quickly hop in the shower. After my shower I start blasting King For A Day by Pierce the Veil, my favorite song. I start jumping with eagerness and excitement. I regain my sanity and look at the time, 5:43pm. I take my time getting dressed and straightening my hair and applying makeup. I glance at the time once more, 6:21pm. I quickly heat up a couple pieces of pizza and pop them in my mouth. I say goodbye to my mom and grab my car keys and money before dashing out of the door.

  It’s 6:30pm when I leave and I arrive at 7pm. Perfect timing. I meet up with Rose and to my surprise, she has VIP and backstage passes and screams “HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BESTIE!” We both jump up and down, and for the first time in months, I’m actually happy and smiling for real. We quickly make our way backstage and show the guards our passes. There he is… Standing right in front of me, smiling… I’ve never felt so happy in my life. I start crying as soon as I hear “Hi, I’m Vic from Pierce The Veil, but of course you knew that haha.” He hugs me and rubs my back, I start crying more. “Hey… Your friend told me your name is Athena, like the Greek goddess, right? It’s a beautiful name for a beautiful girl like you.” He says so gently and comforting. “T-thank y-you…” I stutter. I feel like an idiot. “How are you doing now, Athena?” “I’m fine now, t-thank you… H-how’re you?” “I’m great, thanks.” He smiles and we start talking for seems like an eternity. It’s great. I look at Rose who seems to be hitting it off with Kellin Quinn. But then we hear “alright guys, time to go on stage.” 8pm already?? We follow them to the stage, Vic’s hand in mine. We stop right before going on the actual stage and watch from the side lines. Rose and I dance, we laugh, we look like complete idiots, but, we’re happy. 

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