Lost Lion and Lost Tiger

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You growled loudly as she got close to you.
"Get away from me"
She only laughed at you.

"(Y/n) stop fighting me!You know that I'm right!"Hager had you strapped down on a table.She put a robotic arm on you.

"Your not right!"You screamed at her.Tears running down your face.

They threw you in your cell.
Tears where running down your face badly.Although your friend bearly made it alive she was sleepy but she was awake waiting on you.

"(Bold and italics = Both Italics = Friend)
So many years
So many darkest memories
So many fears
We've now put to ease

Pain makes us do things
We never knew that we could do
Is this all real?
Or just deja-vu...?

But now the fun is over
Now our friends are gone
It's already past our bedtime
It's already dawn

Just like balloons
We soar on our own
Finally free
From the pain of our home
And just like balloons
That no one will hold
Free from the truth
That no one will know"

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