18 - Six Months Later

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Lillie POV
The past six months has been amazing. Heath leaving was different for while, but then I got use to it and everything soon got into a new 'normal'. Brax and Ricky are doing great, they're amazing and I've never seen Brax happier. They now live in the bigger flat right next to ours. Casey and Denny are still completely heads over heals for each other, Denny now living with us. Also living with us is Nick; who I'm completely in love with. I'm doing good in school, Charlie's is going amazing and Case is running the gym all by himself like a pro.
I wake up, feeling Nicks lips kiss mine. I smile.
"Why are you waking me up? Although I did love it" I ask, rubbing my eyes awake.
"You got school, come on I'll drop you off"
I groan and get up. I get changed, have breakfast and then Nick drives me to school.
"Thankyou boyfriend, love you" I smile, leaning over and kissing his lips passionately.
He smirks happily as I lean back and I laugh, getting out of the car walking into school. I see Evie, Oscar, VJ and Maddy all standing by my locker.
"Hey guys, what's going on?"
"The Mangrove kids are coming today. I can't wait, all crazy lunatics" Oscar sighs.
I raise my eyebrows at him.
"You know I was a Mangrove kid right?"
Evie slaps his shoulder and I chuckle.
"It's fine. They're really not that bad, trust me"
"They're here!" Maddy points out the door.
We all walk out on to the grass and I stand at the front with them by my side. I watch as the Mangrove kids all walk out, I remember and know every single one of them. Of course, especially, Matt Paige. Zac, our new principal welcomes everyone here, then it's silent, Summer Bay people starting to walk away. Matt walks over to me slowly.
"Oh god is he going to fight us?" Oscar stutters worried.
"Braxton" he shouts.
"Paige, you're still looking like a curly haired tosser, with your charming grin" I smirk sarcastically.
"You're still feisty and hot as ever" he laughs.
I jump, wrapping my arms around him in a tight hug. Matt was my best friend in school until I left, he was close with me and Nick. In fact we were sort of his only friends.
"How's Nick? Heard you two are finally dating"
"You heard right, and he's good. What about you?"
"I'm perfect aren't I always?"
I laugh nodding and he wraps his arm around my shoulders. We both turn and I see Evie, Oscar, Maddy and VJ all looking stunned.
"Guys, this is Matt, he was my best friend back in Mangrove"
"Brilliant" Oscar says quietly.
"I'm Maddy"
"Evie, this is my brother Oscar"
"I'm VJ"
"Matt, come on Braxton show me around" he pleads, dragging me away from the others.
"That was rude you know?" I comment as we are away.
"They're Bay people"
"Matt I'm a Bay person now" I state.
"Yeah, but you're a cool one" he smiles.
I roll my eyes and show him to his locker. I walk into class, and I freeze when I see who my teacher is. I don't know how, I don't know how it's possible.
"Guys, I can see you've met your new music teacher! He's got a great history in a band, and is a great guy! Know's a world knowledge of music, you guys have been asking for a rockstar since Mr Murphy left, here he is!"
Toby. It's Toby the man who raped me. It all comes back in my head, Toby beating me, then feeling him lift me up on to the bed and pull down my pants, then blacking out. I drop my books and run out of the school. I find myself at Charlie's, it's closed, but I see Brax and Ricky.
"Woah, what are you doing here?" Brax asks shocked.
I can't breath, I can't speak. Brax rushes over to me and puts his hands on my shoulders.
"Lillie, what's happened? Tell me what's going on?"
"He's here, he's my new teacher. I-I don't know, w-why is he here?" I stutter scared.
"Who, who is here?" Brax questions.
"Danny's friend, the man that raped me. He's here, Toby is here"
He looks at me shocked, then pulls me into his arms stroking my hair in attempt to calm me down.
"You're going to be okay, I promise, I won't let him near you I promise"
"Brax he saw me, he knows where I am and where we live. He's going to find me" I gasp scared.
"Hey listen! He's not going to hurt you, I promise"

I haven't left Charlie's. Brax has been sitting with me at a table for the past fifteen minutes.
"Lillie!" I hear someone call and turn to see Nick.
I get up and run to him, wrapping my arms around him, letting him hold me tight.
"I'm okay, I was just scared. I'm sorry" I sigh.
"That's okay, you have every right to be, don't be sorry" he assures me.
I lean back and Nick looks to Brax.
"So, what are we doing?"
"You aren't doing anything!" I yell.
"We are-"
"No you can't Brax. No one can know, I told the cops in a promise they didn't make a case. I'm not bringing up old wounds. I don't want you fighting!"
"Lillie, I'm not letting that bastard walk around freely"
"Brax please!" I shout, I go over to him and grab hold of both of his hands, "I can not loose you. If you fight him, you'll go crazy and maybe go to jail! I can't loose you Brax and I don't want you to fight! It scares the hell out of me-"
"Okay, okay I promise. We won't fight him. But if he tries anything with you, you have to tell me Lillie" he declares.
"Yes, I promise I'll tell you" I nod agreeing.
"What did you say his name was again?"
"Toby, I don't know his last name" I note.
"Did he seem young? Or was he dads age?"
"Young, I was surprised he was with Dad. Seemed like your age" I answer.
"You know him?" Nick questions.
Brax shakes his head.
"No, no. Hey, Nick you want to take her home? I'll call the school, tell them you we're sick"
I nod and then get up with Nick, I turn around before we leave the restaurant and call Brax.
"Thank you, for not fighting him. I know it's how you like to sort things out, but it scares me. So, thank you" I smile sincerely.
He nods.

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