3 - Father, Daughter...and his 'friends'

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"A drug deal" I say quietly to Nick.
"That's his big plan? God, what if he gets busted?"
"I know and it's happening at the restaurant. If they catch him they'll know it's him" I sigh nervous.
"Are you okay? I still can not believe your own father did that to you" he scoffs mad, touch my neck lightly.
"Yeah, I'm okay. You know it's nearly lunch and we're having a family get together. Bianca and Darcey are coming over so, I better get going. Give me a lift home p plater?"
"Hell yeah I can"
I laugh and walk up to the house. When I get inside, I see someone I don't expect to see holding Brax against the wall.
"Brax!" I shout and go over.
He puts his hand out.
"Lil, stay back alright"
I try to argue but he shakes his head.
"I needed my money yesterday Darryl, I don't think you understand what I mean when I tell you you're in debt! Where is my money?" he yells.
"Is getting it tomorrow night! It's all in plan alright you'll get it" Brax assures him.
"Yeah, well, I don't think you're acting quick enough. Lillie is going to stay with me in the caravan until you get me my money" he announces.
"What?" I step back scared.
"Like hell you are! You can't just take her" Brax yells and shoves Dad off.
Dad quickly responds with a hard punch to the face. I gasp and run over, standing between both of them.
"I'll come, I'm coming just stop hurting Brax!" I plead.
"Lil" Brax sighs hurt.
I turn around and kneel next to him.
"It's okay, it's just for a day. I'll try to come and see you tonight at the restaurant. It will be okay Brax" I force a smile.
"I am so sorry-"
"Stop, its fine" I assure him.
"Hurry up honey, we've got to get home!" Danny cackles happily.
I stand up and he puts his hand on my back as we walk outside. I get into his car and we drive off to his van.
"It feels good. To be out of prison, free from control. You know why sweetheart?"
I look out the window, not paying him any attention.
"Because, now I'm the one in control!"
We get to his van and go inside. It smells of smoke and alcohol and he's not alone.
"Who are you?" I glare looking at the two men in the room.
"Lillie this is Toby and Willis, two of my best mates"
"Didn't know you had friends" I scoff quietly.
"What was that?" Toby glares, standing up and looking down at me.
"Nothing" I shake.
"Toby can you deal with her attitude. I'm having a beer, Willis come on mate lets give these two a teaching moment" Dad scoffs.
I grab his wrist before he leaves.
"Please don't let this happen. Can I just go home Brax will get your money I'll make sure"
He laughs and rips his wrist free then walks out with Willis, both laughing as the door closes. I look over to Toby and gulp scared.
"You're a disrespectful girl. You're gorgeous, so this won't be fun. But then again this is always fun"
He grabs me by my shirt and punches my stomach, the kicks me. He punches and kicks me whilst I'm down.

He's asleep. Toby and Willis are gone. It's late, around two o'clock I think. I get up and immediately cough up blood, then wipe my lip and then make my way home. I knock on the door, even that is a struggle. I'm holding my stomach, the only way I am standing up. The door opens and it's Brax holding a bat.
"Lillie!" he shouts as I fall into his arms
He carries me and puts me on to the couch, laying me out.
"Boys! Heath! Casey get the first aid! Get ice!" he yells.
He kneels next to me and strokes my cheek.
"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry. Lillie, oh my god"
"It wasn't D-Danny, he had a mate. H-He told him to teach me a lesson" I stutter.
Brax grabs a face washer and cleans the blood off of my face.
"Who was it? What was his name? Lil I want a name" Brax demands.
I wipe the tear that has fallen down my cheek.
"I'm sorry. It was all my fault-"
"Hey no, no this is not your fault! Do not say that-"
"It is! I should have been stronger, like you, Heath and Case. I needed to be strong like a Braxton but I wasn't and I never have been. Danny was right I'm not a Braxton"
"Stop Lil, god, you are strong. You left with Danny to protect me and the boys, and, everything you've done. Lillie you are the strongest of us all. Please, know that" Brax pleads.
I nod.
"But, I'm not telling you who it was. I can't let you" I state.
"Lil, you tell me who it was and you tell me now-"
"I won't" I shake my head.
He kisses my forehead and then stands up.
"Boys" he nods, "Bianca stay with Lil, don't leave her side"
"Brax please don't" I beg.
"We'll be fine, stay here. We'll be back in no time"
I sigh and lean back, putting my hands on my head scared.
"They'll be okay Lil, Casey and Heath will make sure Brax doesn't go to far"
"There all going to want to kill him!"
"They'll stop each other"
"Bianca, I need to go to the hospital" I sigh.
"Why, are you in pain? Look Brax doesn't want you to go because the cops might get involved-"
"I need to go to get tested. I, I need to get tested"
"For what? What?"
"Rape. I was awake but I don't think he knew, I just couldn't move, it all hurt, so much" I confess.
"Okay, we're going. I'm taking you to a hospital. Lillie, I am so sorry this has happened to you" she says, her eyes watering.
I nod, pressing my lips together tight to stop myself from crying.
"It hurts to stand so, do you mind helping me?"
Bianca grabs my hands and helps me stand up, we slowly walk to the car and she drives me to the hospital.
"I know the boys find out, but, I can't tell them Bianca. I'm scared, when Brax finds out, he's going to loose it. So will Heath. They all will but, those two, they're going to want revenge most. I can't let them get hurt or go to jail over me. It's my biggest fear you know? Loosing one of them"
"I'll tell them, and I'm going to make sure they stay, I promise you"

Lillie Braxton - River GirlWhere stories live. Discover now