ii. new map

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 Kenny rolled his eyes and smiled. "Sure. Let me see your phone."

 "Can you take one with mine, too?" I asked.

 He laughed then, shaking his head. "Of course. Man, you girls are something else."

 Surprisingly, Ivy put me between herself and Leah. Ivy turned to the side, popping out her hip, and rested her hand and chin on my shoulder. And I was surprised when Leah got as close to me as possible, putting her arm around my waist—usually she was not a very touchy-feely person. For the picture, I simply smiled a close-mouthed smile.

 It wasn't until Kenny clicked away with both cameras that my eyes flickered to Benny and Brandy. They stood beside the trunk. While Benny's eyes locked with the ground, Brandy watched us, looking sort of left out. Inwardly I sighed.

 "Brandy, why don't you come get in the picture?" I called.

 "Oh," she said, voice higher-pitched, eyes brightening, "okay."

 I pitied her. Brandy truly was a sweet girl, and if she was anything like Skylar, she did not show it yet. Every harsh thought in my mind was uncalled for. I had no right to treat her unkindly because she was dating a boy I'd dated a year ago. We never even met until I moved back.

 Still, I could not rid myself utterly of every negative thought. I would have to work on it. It was easier said than done, feeling only kindly for the girl who claimed the boy you loved.

 Brandy rightfully moved to stand beside Leah; Ivy was muttering under her breath. I just laughed. And when I looked up, Benny was looking at us. For a second, I could have sworn that his eyes were on me—but no, that could not be. We had not spoken a word more to each other after our awkward greeting.

 Suddenly I remembered the necklace that adorned my throat. The crystal pendant threw bright, pretty colors in the sunlight. Probably Benny wondered why I still wore it; after all, it had been a gift from him while we were dating, over a year ago. But it had become a part of me, as comfortable to me as my own skin.

 After the pictures, the boys gathered up the bags, refusing to let us girls help. I'd asked Kenny to lend me a bag, and he denied me. And then, thinking that Benny felt too awkward to do the same, I offered to take one of his bags. He denied me as well.

 So we traveled the two blocks with ease, and entered the Hollywood Forever Cemetery with our tickets. We found an empty space, large enough to lay out two enormous blankets, which we connected together to make one.

 "So what are we seeing?" I questioned.

 Ivy's eyes glittered, as she settled beside me. "Stand By Me."

 A gasp ripped from my throat. "What? I love that movie!"

 "Thank Benny," Brandy said, snuggled against the boy's side. "He's the one who chose it."

 My eyes flickered to meet Benny's, and I caught the smile that left his mouth. The sky had darkened to a deep velvet, sprinkled with stars, but there was enough light to notice the pink glow of his cheeks.

 "Yeah," he said, avoiding my gaze. "I remember...It's a good movie."

 My heart skipped a beat. Probably Benny had been about to mention the fact that I had introduced him to the movie. That we had watched it together, lying side-by-side on my bed, throwing popcorn into each other's mouths. He had laughed at me when I held back major tears at the end, and then loosened when I explained why the ending was ironic, though humorless—

Fall ❈ Benny RodriguezTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang