thirty three

Mulai dari awal

seconds later, he is entering the room and all heads turn.

he can't help but blush with everyone staring at him. friends and families of both he and zayn. bright happy smiles on their faces as the watch harry walk slowly down the aisle straight towards where zayn is already standing in front of the alter along with liam, louis, and niall. liam being zayn's best man, niall being harry's while louis is their ring bearer. there was nothing better than having their best friends right next to them this time.

once harry was finally there, des nods and releases harry's arm, going to take his seat next to anne who has a camera in hand, even though they had already hired professional photographers to take plenty of photos of the wedding. zayn's mother was also there seated on the other side. zayn's father did not attend, which wasn't much of a surprise considering the he was still angry at zayn and disliked harry anyway. but that was fine, at least he wouldn't cause any problems here with his presence, zayn had said.

now that he and harry were face to face, neither of them could contain the love in their eyes and happiness in their hearts. this was it. it was finally going to happen. the officiant takes a step forward with a book settled in his hands as he sets it on the alter. he motions for everyone in the audience to quiet down, before clearing his throat to speak.

"we are all here today to celebrate the relationship of harry styles and zayn malik and to be witnesses and supporters of the commitment they share with one another. together we are a group of the most important people in their lives and they've brought us here to publically recognize that we've all played some special part in the love they share today." he says, his eyes averting to everyone in the crowd as well as harry and zayn.

he continues through the introduction, both harry and zayn not being able to take their eyes off one another through the whole script. soon it was time for them to say their wedding vows to one another. "zayn and harry are you ready to say your vows?" the officiant asks. they both nod. "i want you to grab one another's hands and look into one another's eyes."

zayn holds out his hands, harry settling his own into zayn's. they hold on tightly to one another, as they eyes peer into the other's with such admiration.

"do you, zayn malik take harry styles to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" the officiant says, looking towards zayn. zayn keeps his eyes trained on harry as a wide smile plasters onto his lips. it doesn't take long for him to nod his head.

"i do."

harry's heart flutters as he squeezes zayn's hands.

the officiant smiles before turning towards harry, "do you, harry styles take zayn malik to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

everyone looks at him hopefully, and despite his pounding heart, the eyes watching, the churning of his stomach and his burning eyes, harry couldn't have loved this moment any more than he did. after a few moments of staring into zayn's eyes and swallowing down his excitement, he finally answers and says, "i do."

zayn smiles happily, clutching harry's hands tightly. the officiant motions for louis to come over bringing up the rings he held in his possession and hands them to the officiant who then presents them to harry and zayn. zayn takes harry's ring and harry takes zayn's, sliding them onto each other's finger as instructed by the officiant.

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