Chapter 2: Death comes for us all

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(This chapter may be a bit confusing at the start but don't worry just read(Totally makes sense)) Its not actually Livewire x male reader right now but its still an interesting story
You were on the floor blood all around you
Y/N: Am I dying? *asks himself*
(Unfortunately Livewire is busy shopping)
The flash runs towards you
Flash: It was him wasn't it?
You nod your head
Y/N: *coughs up blood* Tell Livewire I love her and to not go chasing after him for revenge *dies*
Flash: *glares at nothing in particular* I promise! *speeds off*
The flash runs so fast that he runs into the past to a particular moment
(Now back to the time before all this happened)
You and Livewire were working on a plan to save Catwoman from Man-bat who had captured her out since she knows Batman's secret identity
Livewire: Honey?
Y/N: Yes dear!
Livewire: Do you mind going on your own?
Y/N: There's nothing I won't do for you *smiles*
Livewire: Its just they we've run out of food and I would like to by some things to liven the place up and maybe some clothes it could take a while
Y/N: Man...I don't went to say take as much time as you want because I'll miss you
Livewire kisses your cheek
Y/N: Bye honey
Livewire: Bye lover boy *smirks*
You slap her right ass cheek (So percific) and she turns sticking her tongue at you playfully
She goes out shopping
Y/N: Time to save a cat
You run out into the streets when suddenly the flash appeared
Flash: He's coming for you don't let him kill you
Than suddenly he disappeared
Y/N: What the hell! *says confused*
You went to Arkham and snuk in
Guard: I swear we're the only effected guards
Guard1: We deserve a raise
Guard: But the criminals escape
Guard 1: Well at least pay us more
You walk over to them and hold their shoulders
Y/N: Hello boys
Guards: Fu....*shocked*
You shocked them paralysing them
Y/N: Hey cat!
Catwoman turns to you
Catwoman: Y/N! *squeals*
You shoot red lightning at the cage door melting it(Since its fire)
and you grab her hands and pull her cuffs off
Y/N: You should go!
Catwoman: What about you?
Y/N: *stares down the hallway* I need to speak to a certain speedster
Catwoman: OK! *runs off*
The flash runs in
Flash: Sorry end of the line
Y/N: *smiles* Just the hero I was looking for
Flash: *stares confusedly* What does that mean?
Y/N: Got any where private we can talk? *questions*
Flash: Yeah!
The flash runs and grabs you and takes you to Star labs and puts you in the pipeline
Flash: Speak!
Y/N: What do you mean "he"?
Flash: I'm sorry what!
Y/N: You said earlier and I quote " He's coming for you"(quoted literally)
Flash: When was this?
Y/N: 20 minutes ago
Flash: I didn't speak to you 20 minutes ago
Y/N: Yes you did
Flash: *stares at wall* Zoom! *glares and speeds off*
Y/N: Zoom...Who the hell is Zoom! Get back here!
Livewire's position
Livewire: We do need some milk!
At Zoom's position
Zoom: Soon very soon*says in evil voice*
Then flash appears
Flash: Zoom! *shouts*
Zoom: Flash, glad you could make it
Flash: What are you planning
Zoom: Not telling...Catch me if you can *laughs evily*
Zoom zooms off(Gotta go fast) and Flash chases after him but Zoom is too fast and they run to Star labs and Zoom phases through your cell and grabs you and runs past Flash
In the streets
(2 minutes to your death)
Zoom: Hello Y/N!
Y/N: You! You were the one who knocked out Batman and Robin
Zoom: Correct!
Suddenly a portal opens
Y/N: What's that?
Zoom: My way home
Y/N: Why did you save me?
Zoom: So you don't mess up my plans
Y/N: Your wh...*coughs out blood*
Zoom shoved his hand in your chest and pulled it out and you fell
on the floor bleeding
Zoom: Goodnight Y/N! *Runs off into the portal*
At your base
Livewire: I'm home!
Silence filled the air
Livewire: Y/N! You home?! Where is he?
Livewire calls you but gets your voice mail
Livewire: *panics* Not again* (Well you arent abducted this time)
In the streets

You were on the floor blood all around you
Y/N: Am I dying? *asks himself*
(Unfortunately Livewire is at your base)
The flash runs towards you
Flash: It was him wasn't it?
You nod your head
Y/N: *coughs up blood* Tell Livewire I love her and to not go chasing after him for revenge *dies*
Flash: *glares at nothing in particular* I promise! *speeds off*
The flash runs so fast that he runs into the past an hour before your death
Flash was running and he saw you in the distance but he was grabbed and pulled away
Jay(Flash): Flash!
Flash: Jay! What are you doing
Jay(Flash): I've come to stop you because telling him is just looping the events
Flash: But zoom killed him and Zoom never does anything without a reason
Jay(Flash): I'm swear but it would be better if you stop zoom from killing him or better yet let me stop Zoom with the present you just stay out of it okay
Flash: Okay!
End of chapter
Hope you enjoyed and visit my voting book plz thank you

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