Additional Information on the Clans

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A.N. Figured some of you might to know more about these guys


Environment: A thick forest which it often rains in,hence the name Dewclan. The ground is usually marshy here

Adaptions: The cats of Dewclan must be well adapted to the rain and marshy ground here,so their pelts are thick and their pads are strong to have the durability to trudge through mud.

Extra Information: N/A


Environment: Frostclan lives in a harsh tundra environment.The snow often stays for long periods. When the snow does thaw, it leaves behind soil that often doesn't have much growing in it,but the Newleaf prey comes out of hibernation at this point,so there's still fresh-kill to stick the pile.

Adaptions: As you might've noticed,very many of the Frostclan have white or pale gray pelts.That is an adaptation so they can camouflage themselves in order to catch their prey.However,some have darker pelts.So clan's warriors are divided into two parts: Leafbare warriors,who hunt whenever there's snow,and Newleaf Warriors,who hunt whenever there's not snow. Keep in mind,Newleaf warriors can still patrol and battle when there's snow on the ground and Leafbare Warriors patrol and battle whenever the snow has melted.

Extra Information: Frostclan's dens are all in an underground cave-like place.Its a huge cave mouth with holes in the walls for all of the dens sections (elders,nursery,etc.).But every cat can still see tall pine from their nests.


Environment: A Stoney hill on the mountainside with a small patch of pine forest beside it.

Adaptions: Stoneclan warriors have to have strong pads to become comfortable on the stone as wells as thin,but long claws to catch onto any crevices if they have to climb. They also have to have short and muscular legs in order to make stone pushing easier

Extra Information: Stoneclan uses boulders and rocks to form their dens.They have to be able to fend their camp from large birds like eagles and hawks as its common in their terrain. Moss and feathers line every nests in abundance,as a lot of these materials are found in their territory


Environment: Meadowclan lives in well a meadow,what did you expect? Their meadow stretches far and wife with many streams and creaks flowing through it. It has an abundance of plants and animals so the clan never seems to go hungry or run out of herbs.

Adaptions: The meadow is long and wide,so Meadowclan cats have to be swift to catch their prey,which is usually rabbits. They don't use their claws for climbing as theirs only one tree of their territory- Wind Willow. This also happens to be their meeting place

Extra Information: Sometimes flowers are laced in the nests of the cats. A creek flies around the outskirts of the camp


Environment: Bogclan lives in a fresh water swamp like place.Mud as wells stains the fur of these guys! Many Cypress Swamp trees dot the area as well as large stones and willows

Adaptions: All Bogclanners have to be prepared to get their paws dirty.They all have thick,strong paws for digging and generally shorter tails so they won't get in the way

Extra Information: Bogclan's nests are like those of birds.They're made of mud,straw,grasses,leaves,and other things. They also float nicely if the Bog overflows. The Sky is lite up by fireflies many of the seasons

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