The Grave Mistake

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I stared at Regina, trying to control my temper. She challenged my stare and sneered at me. She leaned back, her hand twisting her light brown hair.  Her sharp green eyes looked hatefully at me behind her bored expression. 

"Are you sure she cheated, Miss Hammond? Do you have proof?" Mr Reynolds asked sternly, pushing his stature of 5'2 to its maximum height.  I guess he was trying to look intimidating. It wasn't working. He looked like a tiny angry balding elf with a beer-belly.

"I saw her cheat off Madeline James' paper, Mr Reynolds. And other students saw her did it." I said indignantly. Mr Reynolds sighed and suddenly the door of his office flew open and two men in suits came in, looking grave and pissed off. Uh oh. 

"Mr Reynolds, I'm Jeffrey Reid, and this is Mr Turner Abrahams,  Mr Ackleson's lawyer.." The less slick-looking one of the two said as he moved to Mr Reynolds. Mr Reynolds almost tripped over his shoes as he stumbled forward to shake hands with Jeffrey Reid and Turner Abrahams. Oh boy, I don't have a good feeling about this. 

"Mr Ackleson apologized for not being able to be here today. He's currently in a press conference at the Plaza Hotel. So, we're here as representatives of Mr Ackleson." Jeffrey Reid said rather gruffly. I felt the lawyer stare at me. I looked away, not really in the mood for confrontations. 

"Oh, it's fine. I understand. Uhm, why don't we have a seat while I explain the situation to you?" Mr Reynolds said as he grovelled at the two suits. I suppressed a groan and stole a look at Regina, who already looked triumphant, judging from the smirk on her flawless matte lips. I decided to ignore her and fervently prayed quietly that this does not turn to shit.

But all that praying was in vain. As soon as Mr Reynolds told the suits what Regina 'allegedly' did, the lawyer turned to Regina. She looked all innocent, with that angelic face and soft green yes, looking doe-eyed and vulnerable as she denied all allegations, while explaining that I had a personal vendetta against her. Since she's hotter than me and that made me jealous. That lying bitch. I wanted so much to choke her, but I got hold of myself and tried to explain what really happened.

"Miss Hammond,  did you give Miss Ackleson a zero in her test? " The shiny-haired lawyer said as he looked at me,  none too friendly. I cleared my throat and stood tall.  We were the same height.  I almost scoffed at his lame attempt to intimidate me.

"Yes, I did. Because she cheated. I saw her cheating off Madeline James. " I answered indignantly.  The lawyer looked at me,  his lips pursed. 

"Miss Ackleson,  did you cheat off Madeline James' paper? " The lawyer asked,  almost like  he was dreading it.  Like he was just humouring me.  Damnit,  why do I have a bad feeling about this?!

"No,  I did not! " Regina answered as she glared at me.

"Now Miss Hammond, do you have evidence to show that Miss Ackleson had cheated?" The lawyer asked, looking pointedly at me. I gritted my teeth and took out my phone.  I searched for the video and handed my phone to the lawyer. I glanced at Regina, who had the grace to look alarmed.  I saw a flicker of fear in her eyes as she craned her neck to see the video playing on my phone. Principal Reynolds and Mr Reid peered at my phone as well. 

"Mind explaining what I'm looking at Miss Hammond?" Mr Abrahams said as he gave me a sidelong glance. I went up to the men, ignoring Regina's glare.

"Well, here you can see  Regina poking at Madeline's chair. And then here... Madeline looking worried and then passing a post-it note to Regina. As you can see, this happens a few times until the exam ended." I explained matter-of-factly. 

The three men looked at Regina, who had shrunk further into her seat. Just then, Principal Reynolds spoke up. 

"Um, Miss Hammond, would you mind calling Madeline to come in my office for a minute?" Principal Reynolds said. I stood up and went to call Madeline.


"What?! What do you mean, I'm fired?!" I cried in disbelief.

"Look, I'm sorry Miss Hammond. After you've accused Regina of cheating, Madeline said that she didn't, that she was only asking a random question. Mr Ackleson was very angry and had threatened to sue us for slander if we don't dismiss you Miss Hammond." Principal Reynolds said with a weary sigh.

I stared at him. WTF? I felt my blood run cold. What the hell was I going to do?! 

"He can't do that! Just because he's the Mayoral candidate, that doesn't give him the right to-" I started to get hysterical when Principal Reynolds interrupted me.

"I'm sorry, but he can and he did. Look, I've written a letter of recommendation for you so that you can get another teaching job outside of Michigan." Principal Reynolds said rather mournfully.

"What?! I can't teach in another school?! I have to move to another state?! The hell?!" I was livid and all timidness that I usually had about me just poofed and disappeared. The bastard wanted me out of the state?! Is he fucking kidding me?!

"I'm sorry, but that's the condition that Mr Ackleson  had put on us. He's a powerful man, Miss Hammond. And he can destroy all of us. I know you're a brilliant teacher, but my hands are tied. The only thing I could do is to make sure you get a good referral letter and a teaching job in a good school. I'm not so happy about losing one of my best teachers, but it can't be helped. Again, please accept my apology." Principal Reynolds said anxiously.  He didn't look so hot. In fact, he looked like he had been chewed on real good based on how run down he looked. I sighed. It's no use. I could't fight this. I stood up, tears already running down my cheeks.  With trembling hands, I took the envelope from Principal Reynolds. He looked relieved.

"In the envelope, you'll find your recommendations letter and your severance pay. As well as you pay for this month. I'm sorry Miss Hammond. I wish you the best of luck. I really do." Principal Reynolds said, his face looked defeated. I didn't say anything. I took the envelope and stuffed it into my handbag and legged it out of there, wiping the tears from my cheeks.

Just as I got out of Principal Reynolds' office, I was greeted by the hateful face of Regina Ackleson, sneering at me. She gave me a once over and smirked as she flounced off in that stupid model gait that made her look like she was constipated. He short skirt bounced around her hips, showing her perfect rear end for all to see. Disgusted, I swallowed the bile in my throat and looked away. I walked to my class and sat on my chair, finally realizing that I had been unfairly fired. And the gravity of the situation was no joke.  I barely had any money saved. I mean, teachers are hardly known for rolling in money, right?How the hell was I supposed to start over in a new state?! Like, how?!


Author's Note

Hey there. So, I decided to start a new story. i know I have like 3 more to finish, but I seriously need a break coz I had hit a dead end with the 3 stories that I haven't finished yet. I hope this break will help me focus and find inspiration to finish the 3 pending stories. i think I will end To Matter To You in a few more chapters, I don't know. So, give this story a chance, ok ...

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