Chapter 1 - Eliminate Him

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"Mum! Dad! I'm home!" Jakob called. I straightened up to the voice. The voice sounded familiar, it sounded like Jakob. I jump up from my bed and locked my door.

Why is he here so soon? I thought he was at school.

I wanted to go outside and take a risk of killing him on the spot but I wanted to know him more, but I couldn't. I can't have him find out who I am. I can't have him find out that I killed mum and dad.

I unlocked my door and took a step out into the hallway. How can I pretend to him that I am looking after him for the day? I don't know. All I can hear is him running around screaming out 'Mum! Dad!'.

I took a step out into the living room. I saw him stop and turn around to look at me. I examined him. He looked familiar to dad.

"Who are you?"

I stood there dumbfound. What did he ask me?

"Who are you?"

I couldn't believe that he didn't know who I am. I wanted to go and strangle him for not knowing who I am. I have to act.

"I am Amelia. I will be looking after you for the day."

"Where are mum and dad?"

"They are both at work and they will be working late." That should get him.

"But mum and dad don't work."

"Oh... um..." How am I going to play this out? "They are starting to work and they asked me to look after you for the night. They said that this won't happen again."

"Ok. Mum and Dad would usually get nan over to look after me but this arrangement is fine."

I smiled at him. He didn't look that bad but he can't find out who I really am. I won't let him anywhere near my room neither. Otherwise, he would be bad news.

"What would you like to do um..."


"Yeah Jakob, what would you like to do?"

"Can we go out onto the dirt track?"

This can be a great opportunity to... don't think that wat Amelia. This would be a great way to know him further. I want to know him further before even considering to kill him.

"Yeah. Do you know where it is?"

"Yes, and you can ride the quad down."

He led me outside but I paused for a second realising that I wasn't burning. That's weird. Jakob turned around and pulled me along into the bush to a shed that has all the dirt bikes and quad bikes.

"Here you go."

Jakob handed me the keys to the quad that was outside the shed. I took the keys from him and jumped on. We then took off further into the bush, down towards the dirt track.


We walk back to the house together at sunset. I Was surprised that I didn't get burned at all. I had fun with Jakob. He showed me how to ride the quad like a professional, even though I was really bad at it, but I will say that he is really good with riding the dirt bike.

"Hey Amelia,"

"Yes... Jakob." What is he going to ask? Has he found out?

"When are Mum and Dad coming back home?"

"Oh... um..." oh no oh no oh no! "They will be coming back really late tonight so they said that you have to be in bed before they get back."


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