The Signs While Driving

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Taurus: *stops at McDonalds drive through*

Gemini: Texting.

Cancer: Listening to sad music.

Leo: Jamming out with Libra while sitting next to them.

Virgo: Sucks at driving and almost hit at least 10 raccoons.

Libra: Is carpooling with Leo because got their license taken away.

Scorpio: *flips off Aries after cutting them off*

Sagittarius: Is too busy catcalling everyone

Capricorn: Is that one person that has their radio turned UP AS LOUD AS POSSIBLE

Aquarius: Trying to do their homework at every red light

Pisces: Is lost in the middle of nowhere

XD OMG this was hilarious XDD
What did you guys get?

Poor Pisces... Gemini, don't text while drive.. Capricorn, please turn the volume down, sheesh. Aries, take a chill pill... XD

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