Chapter 5:Uh Oh

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  Here is the next chapter of my rp. We left off after Raven just told Shadow she kissed Beast boy, and we left it on a cliffhanger. So let's see what happens next. 

Disclaimer:I don't own anything, but the story plot.

   Raven was looking at Shadow worriedly. She hoped he wouldn't break up with her for it. But  all he was doing was widen his eyes after he heard what she just said. He couldn't believe his ears. Did his girlfriend just tell him she kissed another guy behind his back?  No. She couldn't of. She would never do that to him. He snaps out of it and his eyes widen even more. He was mad of course, but was he mad enough to break up with her? We'll see later. Shadow(mad):Excuse me for a second. He goes to his training room and Raven hears a crashing sound coming from the other room. She knew he was mad now. He then flies back up to her. Shadow:It's alright, I'm not mad. I was, but not now. Raven felt bad for kissing Beast boy. Raven(sad):Look, I'm sorry, it's just...when I'm around Beast boy, I get attracted to him. Shadow:It's okay, I was like that before. 

 Raven looks at him confused. She had no idea what he meant by that. Raven:What do you mean?  Shadow:I was like that with Rouge. Raven then understood. Raven:I see...but don't be mad at Beast boy. He pushed me away and told me he didn't want me to cheat on you. She then sighs. She then remembered something else. Raven(worried):There's more...we started to talk, and we sat on his bed watching tv...and I might of...fell asleep in his arms. She looked on the ground. She didn't want to look him in the eye, fearing he would get mad again.Shadow:One second. He flies to the living room and Raven hears more crashing sounds. She knew that wasn't  good either. He goes back up to her. Shadow:Like I said, not mad at all. Raven:Shadow, I know your mad. I can sense it. Shadow:No, no, I was mad before, but destroying things  makes me feel better. Raven:Well, you can't keep destroying things. Shadow:I know, I was originally created to destroy. Raven:So was I, but I defeated my father. Shadow:Yeah.

  He then senses something. Shadow:I sense something Raven, Metal Sonic's alive...Oh no Seelkadoom. Raven held onto his arm. She had no idea who this Metal Sonic or Seelkadoom people were. Raven:Who? Seelkadoom(out of nowhere):He means me.  Shadow:Huh? But I thought- Seelkdoom cuts him off. Seelkadoom:I was dead? I was, but Mephile revived me. Then, I rebuilt one of Sonic's rivals. Metal Sonic is now Metal Sonic 2.0. Raven stood there confused. She had no idea what any of that meant.  Metal Sonic shoots missiles as Robin went up to them. Robin:Whats going on here?  He sees Metal Sonic and remembers him from last time. Robin:Is that Sonicbot?  

 Raven looked at Robin, fear that her leader would get hurt. Raven:Robin, get out of here, it's too dangerous. Robin looked at Raven. Robin:If the situation involves my friends, I can't run away Raven. She sighs. Raven(annoyed):Fine, don't say I didn't warn you. Robin looked at Shadow. Robin:Shadow, let's take him down. Shadow:Right, Chao spears! He shoots 3 chaos spears at Metal Sonic. Metal Sonic uses a black shield. Robin throws a birdarang at his weak spot. Raven starts blasting her energies. Metal Sonic:I'm just too strong for you, thanks to Seelkadoom. He starts blasting out his weapons. They all try to dodge, but Raven gets hit with one of them.

 Raven feels a pain and she falls to the ground. Raven:Ahhh!!! Shadow watched as he saw his girlfriend hit the road in pain. He didn't like it one bit. Shadow:Raven! He looks at Metal Sonic mad that he would hurt his girlfriend like that. Shadow(mad):Metal Sonic! I'll tear you to shreds! he kicks him. Shadow:Chaos...He grabs Meta Sonic. Shadow:Blast!  Metal Sonic then explodes.  Seelkadoom:Damn you Shadow, well I guess I'll have to kill you myself! Just then Cyborg came up to them.  He looked around and only saw Shadow and Robin. Cyborg:Am I late?  Shadow:No, you missed Metal Sonic though. Shadow then saw Raven on the ground unconscious and ran towards her with Cyborg following. Shadow(worried):Wake up Rae-Rae, we need you. He was worried that she was dead. Cyborg:Yo what happened to Rave- He stops as he saw her stomach. Cyborg(freaking out):Oh my!  Her stomach's bleeding!  Shadow notices it. Shadow:Oh, I see. Cyborg, try to fix Raven. I have unfinished business with Seelkadoom. Cyborg:I'll try. 

 Cyborg starts to work on her. Cyborg(worried):C'mon Rae, breathe. He then cleans up her stomach. He looked at her and saw that she wasn't moving at all. He was worried about his 'little sister' He then shakes her, but she didn't move.  He then checked her  breathing and gasps. Cyborg:Rave! Shadow then killed Seelkadoom and turns towards Cyborg.  He was worried about what happened to his girlfriend. Shadow:What's wrong with Raven? Cyborg:She's stopped breathing! She needs the hospital now!  (Where did Robin go? LOL)  Shadow:I'll take her. He picks her up and teleports to the hospital. Cyborg  heads back to the tower. 


So, did you like this chapter? I hope you do.  Do you think Shadow will break up with Raven? Let1s find out in the next chapter.


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