Chapter 2: The party

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Jordans p.o.v

Today Kayla was on fire. I was on the bleachers after basketball practice finished and since then she's been playing ball...hard sweating like she had just stepped out of a rain storm. It's been about...three fucking hours. Even the guys on our team wouldn't have any strength left to double practice. Yeah well my girl Kayla amazes me shes so full of surprises but what I really want to ask her is why did she look pissed as hell while playing ball? It may not be my business but damn have you SEEN this girl killing the ball court? She's running that way this way then that way again don't get me wrong she looks god damn HOT!

Her thick blond hair was pulled into a bun on top of her head as she dribbles the ball and shoots it into the net. After a few minutes she stops and turns around to face me as if she could feel my eyes on her.

I've had this big ass crush on her since.....forever we've been friends since we were five and ever since then we were always with each other in the friend type of together way. And as soon as she hit thirteen and I hit the age to all i could ever think about was her BOOBS hell yeah they were big not like huge, huge big. I've always wanted to reach out and touch them and I did once when she was sliding down this slide in the park I was at the bottom just in case she fell on her ass. But instead she fell off and landed on me her boobs were right in my face so I reached up and squeezed them but all she did was laugh. She took it as one of my playful jokes I was mad I wanted her to feel something for me anything at that. But she didn't. "Are you ready to go?" I looked up and realized she wasn't sweaty anymore and that she had on fresh clean clothes and her hair was wet and in a ponytail. I pouted up at her. "Aww babe why didn't you wait for me I would have showered with you" she looked at me for a second and burst out laughing. "I thought you were serious for a second." It wasn't a damn joke I was serious. But I guess she didn't need to know that. I got up and walked with her down the bleachers and into the empty hallways. "So what's got you so fired up today?" I asked her with genuine curiosity. But she shook her head making her wet ponytail swing water onto my face... WHAT duh I pay attention to the most smallest interaction that we have. "Leo cheated on me with stupid ass Hannah!" She spat in disgust. If that didn't make me happy and mad I really don't know what could have.

"Leo did WHAT?" She sighed "Bitch you heard me" she says in her cute annoyed tone.

"Damn...I knew that asshole didn't deserve you"  I smiled when she wasn't looking. Could this be my big chance to win her over to make her mine? Is this my time to mingle and see what it feels like to kiss her not that I'd want to rush into that without taking perfect care of her first.

She unlocked her car door and we both got in.

"How did you find out?" She started the ignition and pulled out of the parking lot. "I walked in on them sucking each other's neck and being shitty people. I'd be damned if I gave a shit if they ended up together. All Leo wanted was precious gifts to show off the gold digging  troll!" I looked over at her and smiled she was upset and that's so understandable but I don't know why I'm smiling like a dumbass. "You know what will take your mind off of them" I simply ask her while turning to look out the window. "What?" She looked over at me as I looked back at her. "Thiers this party tonight and I'm going and I'm bringing you with me" she raised her eyebrow as a car behind us beeped the horn.

She pressed on the gas pedal and drove off as the light turned green. "So you think a party will help?" I smile while nodding my head and winked at her. She smiled at me "OK. I'll go with you but only on one condition." I rolled my window down some more and then faced her as the car stopped. "You be the driver to and from the party. I'm gonna drown myself in alcohol." I smiled but then raised a confused eyebrow. "I thought you hate all only drink sparkling cider." She smiled at me and turned the engine off. "I know but I'm gonna do something new tonight I gotta let go don't I?" I smiled wide "That's my baby girl" she rolled her eyes then grabbed my bag and threw it at me and then smiled. "Get out of my car" she unlocked the car doors and I got out blowing her a kiss and she caught it and she started to drive away. I stayed and watched as her car got smaller and smaller. I went into the house and threw my bag near the spiral staircase. Yeah im rich. It's just that my parents don't think it's such a smart idea to get a big ass mansion because we could move almost any day. We could move closer to Kayla. Nah that's just me wishing. Hm we could talk for hours and hours about the sweet and the sour and how her family's doing OK. I laughed as one of Ed Sheerans song  played in my head. But I could watch Kayla get undressed all naked and- "Are you home son?" I heard my mother's voice from the kitchen call out. Wow my thoughts were getting so perverting. I walk into the kitchen and I sit in a chair."Guess WHAT" I say in my exciting tone of voice. "What?" My mom and dad says at the same time. My dad pushes his laptop away from him and my mother takes a seat near my father. "Leo cheated on Kayla with her best friend Hannah!" I smiled and they looked at me with worried expressions on thier face. "How is that good news. Is she okay?" Heavy concern came into my mother's voice as my dad agreed. "It's good news because this could be my chance in trying to win her over and also to fix Leo a whole new world"

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