Chapter 1

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Hikaru could hear his mother in their small courtyard sweeping up the stray petals that had fallen from the beautiful Sakura tree situated in the center. After she swept them up every day she would pick out the petals, dust them off, carry them into a small room and create unique jewelery or clothing if there was enough petals. After the Blood Rainbow day Akemi had gained magic which she used to sculpt and create things out of the sakura petals. She even molded a dress out of the petals once, which had taken a couple months of concentration but she had been given gold in return. Raising a growing boy she had needed as much money as she could scrounge up and the daily worshippers pitance wasn't enough to survive.

As the sweeping continued, Hikaru got out of bed and scrounged around the floor looking for some clean clothes which was unlikely but something that didn't smell wasn't. He finally tugged on a shirt and pants made out of a strange material that was slightly scratchy.

"You going to stay in your room all day or help me sweep up the rest of these petals," came his mothers voice, muted slightly by the sound of her sweeping.

Hikaru was pushing open the door when he replied, "Mom, I thought about going into the woods to hunt a wild boar or chicken."

His hair fell down to his shoulders in dark waves, his eyes were still glaciel blue which had filled with his determination currently, and he had been training with the local boys in hand to hand combat. He didn't seem to feel any kind of magical energy like everyone else so all he could do was strengthen his body.

"Absolutely not. You know there are demons that have started to spread towards nearby villages, Hikaru."

He stubbornly continued to stare at his mother even as she continued to sweep and seemed to be ignoring him. His foot scuffed the floor and he grunted as he turned to leave the dwelling. Before exiting he slipped his feet into a pair of boar skinned boots that almost reached his knees. Even as he stepped outside Akemi glanced up at him with a look of concern but she knew that her son was meant for great things.

Ever since she had picked him up from that cave she had always felt a great pull on destiny for her son. He was only 14 but already so head strong and she worried that he may overestimate his opponents. She knew that he had been vigorously training, going out into the forest and bringing back rabbits, chickens, and any other animal he could kill and bring home to eat. He had hardly liked eating vegatables growing up and one time Akemi had found him even eating an animal in the courtyard when he was young.

She had never worried though, it only served to prove she had needed to feed and care for him more closely. There were a lot of unusual things about Hikaru but he was her son and she loved him regardless. The Gods had given her a gift and she had cherished that gift every day since she heard him wailing on the floor in a dark cavern.

"Sigh. Should I just let him do what he wants? I can't hold him at my side forever, fearing the worst.." She slowly continued to sweep up the petals even as Hikaru ran off towards a tree to the east of the village.

Hikaru passed a lot of the people he had grown up around on his way to the tree he had burried his sword. His mother didn't approve of him having weapons, especially in a "Holy Place" so he hid the sword that was given to him by his Master Seiichi. Master Seiichi had taught him many ways to use a sword properly and even trained him how to strengthen his body. Slowly Hikaru had surpassed even his master in strength and decided to not only kill some wild animals for his mother and himself but also brought back food for some of the families who had never wanted to train in fighting or magic.

These families often had little that belonged to them, most of the skills they could give were things that people often didn't need or want. Hikaru enjoyed hunting so he thought it was a win win situation for him to bring back the prey for others to enjoy. He greeted many people on his way as he finally reached the outskirts of the village and grabbed his sword from the ground.

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