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After a while, I decided to just up and leave. Nothing was happening anyway, so why not?

"Miss (Y/n), we can't really stop you, but it wouldn't be advised to leave."

One of the younger boys begged me to stay.

"If you leave, the monsters from the forest will get you like they did the teachers."

Monsters, eh? Let's go meet these "monsters".


I left the school without another word to anyone, not even Haru who fought hard to make me stay, but gave in when I pulled the seniority card on him. Yes, I'm his senpai. (and I don't notice him lol)

The wind had picked up since I was last outside, and the air had grown a tad colder. Fall was really setting in now. Good thing I always had my trusty jacket with me to be my snuggle buddy.

The street was deserted as I shuffled down towards the woods. The only sounds coming from rustling leaves and the occasional cat mewling from the alleyways. The silence was comforting in its own way.

As the woods grew near, I could hear faint, near-nonexistant voices coming from within the darkness. The shadows of the trees seemed to reach out, straining to grab hold of me and pull me in.

"No monsters yet? Then further in we go." By either bravery or pure stupidity, I had entered those woods determined to find these so called "monsters" to make my friends.

A few paces in, there were various personal objects littering the ground: shoes, phones, ripped jackets, and sometimes a full set of clothes would be in a pile somewhere. It looked like not everyone got further than this, but why not? There's no one here.

I ignored the multiple obvious signs to go home, choosing to seek out whatever was behind the mess. This led me through multiple briars, up and down a tree, over a river, and into a clearing of sorts.

An old-timey mansion stood in the center of the area, no lights anywhere to be seen inside, and the trees closely surrounding it had a variety of weapons lodged in them.

I kept aware of my surroundings as I approached, paranoid enough as it is and slowly start getting a feeling of being watched. The boards squealed as I stepped up on the porch and shuffled to the door and swung it open.

"Anybody home?" I called to the empty space of the house.

No response.

"Oh well, my house now."

Walking inside, I notice the house actually has a bit of light coming from somewhere to brighten the room slightly. I originally thought the inside would be pitch black, but it's actually dimly lit to where you could see but the light isn't headache-inducing.

A living room connected to the front entryway, then a kitchen was further behind that. On the right wall, a door for a closet was closest to the door, then two sets of stairs, one going up and the other going down, took the middle of the wall flanking a hallway leading to some rooms.

Walking up thr stairs, there was an identical hallway with more rooms. Some had names on them, each door had either one or two names, while a couple were blank; the blanks were bathrooms.

Most of the rooms were locked, or had blood on the door handle so I didn't want to mess with those yet. I caught the name on one of the rooms I passed towards the end. Jaclyn or something like that. The last one on the right was open, though, so I took the initiative and slipped inside.


Upon entrance, the smell of hibiscus and chocolate hit me like a wave. A small candle was lit in a far corner, illuminating the room a little more than the light from the moon through the window. Wait, it's that late?

A pile of clothes were off in another corner at the end of a mattress, and a large beanbag sat in front of a TV and computer resting on a nearby desk.

The room looked like it's been like that for a couple days; a family trip or something I suppose. I can't really head home in the dark, so I'll just make myself at home. I don't think these people will mind me taking a nap in one of their hundreds of rooms.


??? P.o.v

"We brought in quite the haul, didn't we EJ?" I called out behind me.

"Yes, these organs will last us a few weeks. We should be back before the others since they have to deal with Toby and his waffles."

As we stepped inside the house, EJ took the sack of organs from me, taking them to the kitchen, and I went upstairs to take a nap.

As I walked down the hall, I tensed when I saw that my door was open. No one should be home except for me and EJ, and he's in the kitchen.

Peeking my head inside, I don't notice anything majorly different except for a mass in my bed. I guess dad left one of his marionettes in my bed to scare me again.

Walking up to my bed, I pull the covers back a bit and what I see surprises me. If this is a marionette, dad has made the most pretty and  realistic-looking marionettes since mom passed.

My mom was killed while giving birth to me and Jaclyn. Dad told us that Zalgo put a curse on her the moment he discovered her pregnancy. He was never the same since she passed; he spent most of his days trying to make more realistic marionettes and mourning over his beloved.

I must say that this marionette was extremely lifelike. She even gives off the warmth of a living being unlike the others. I'll ask dad about her tomorrow. For now, I'm tired and this seems like a perfect opportunity to sleep peacefully for once.

I climbed into bed besides the marionette, wrapping my arms around her figure and resting my head against her. I must say, she's extremely soft as well and she smells like honey and a cool sea breeze. I couldn't help but fall asleep next to this fascinating creature.

Well there's chap. 2 guys. I'll try to have the next one out within a week or two.

Stay creepy my reader-chans

Like Father Like Son: Son of Jason The Toy Maker x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now