Chapter Three

Começar do início

Kevin knocked on the door and grew worried when he received no answer.
"It's two-twenty three and he hasn't answered." Kevin looked at a plant and dug around until he found the key to Eddwards house.
"Typical." He unlocked the door and placed the key on the end table.
"Edd? You here?" Kevin received no answer and sighed.
"Double Jerk, where are you?"
When he didn't get an answer again he went looking. His house was the epitome of clean. The living room was spotless, the kitchen was huge, it looked as if no one lived here. Venturing upstairs, he saw that sticky notes littered every door before getting to the one labled for Eddward. He opened the door and nearly took a step away. The first thing he noticed was a giant ant farm with a lot of ants. Then the labels scattered around his room.
"Jeez, your such a neat freak."
He looked at the bed an saw Eddward there sleeping with his head under his pillow.
"Eddward? It's the afternoon and you're snoozing away." Kevin pouted when he got no reaction out of him. He tried shaking him, pulling at his leg, and taking of the blanket but got nothing.
"Ugh, wake up you double jerk!" Kevin attempted to remove the pillow from his head but was met with resistance.
Eddward groaned and glared at Kevin from under his pillow. He didn't want the boy to see him without his hat on.
"Is there a reason your in my room on a Saturday afternoon," he asked. Kevin glared back at him and folded his arms. He was growing curious as to why Edd had tried hard to keep the pillow over his head about all else he'd done.
"I'm here because it's a Saturday afternoon. I wanna go out for a bit."
"Then go out, I'm sleeping," Eddward said as he turned his body away from Kevin. Kevin sighed then opened the curtains, letting in a lot of sunlight. After, he climbed onto Eddward and looked him in the eyes, pillow still in place.
"I want to go out with you." Eddward groaned then turned so that Kevin was straddling his front.
"Pumpkin, we can go out tomorrow. Today I-"
"You want to sleep right?" Eddward felt a small twinge of pain looking at Kevin's disappointed look.
"It's okay then. I'll just do something at home." Kevin went to get off of Eddward but was held tightly in place.
"Let me get dressed and I'll take you for ice cream."
"It's okay, don't worry about-"
"Pumpkin, we are going out for ice cream."

It was breezy at Peach Creek park. Kevin was sitting at the bench waiting for Eddward to return with their frozen treats. He didn't notice Edd walking behind him.
"Alright Kevin, one ice cream cone." Eddward stated scaring the boy.
"What the hell you just scared the crap out of me!"
"Pay back for waking me up." Eddward leaped over the bench and sat next to Kevin.
"You didn't want ice cream," Kevin asked.
"I am lactose intolerant. I settled for a firecracker." Kevin shrugged and ate his ice cream. They spoke about trivial things such as each other's favorites, dislikes, Peach Creek High's couples, as they finished their frozen treats; Kevin even got Edd to laugh sometimes. They took a walk around the park then played around. Then, in the late afternoon, Eddward had gotten Kevin an ice cream sandwich and himself another Firecracker. In the middle of they're conversation, Edd received a call and answered in in shock when he looked at the caller ID.
"You called back," he said in awe. Kevin couldn't hear what the person said but he could tell it was a girl. She said something and Edd laughed loudly. Kevin glared at the cellular device but decided to finish his ice cream.
"I really missed talking with you, Gerta." This sent Kevin to the edge and gave him an idea. He began to constantly poke Edd's side but was ignored. Then he tried to take his hat. As soon as his fingers touched the hat, he was swatted with a ruler out of no where. Edd looked down at Kevin with a warning glace before muting Gerta.
"Pumpkin, I'm on the phone."
"Where the hell did that ruler come from and who the hell is Gerta?" Edd was about to give him answers but stopped when Gerta asked if he were still there.
"We'll talk later," Edd told Kevin before continuing his conversation with Gerta. This didn't satisfy the orange haired lad, one bit. He was going to go for his hat again but looked at the melting Firecracker in the double jerks hand and grinned wickedly at the new idea.

Eddward felt Kevin's hand slide over and hold his hand but thought nothing of it until Kevin brought it up and began to slurp loudly on the freeze pop. Edd looked at his boldness with shock and tried to control himself.
"Edd, are you alright," Gerta asked.
"Y-Yes, I'm fine. Just getting a little too hot, is all." The Norwegian girl on the phone accepted the answer and continued speaking but Eddward could barely focus on anything she was saying. Kevin was licking and sucking the Firecracker expertly and making him gain an erection.
Kevin glanced up and saw Eddward's facial expression and felt triumphant. He replied to Gerta calmly but his composure in the flesh was all but calm. Edd tried to pull his hand away but Kevin wouldn't allow in and punished him further by licking the melted juice from his fingers as slowly as it took to make him harder than thought possible.
"Pumpkin, I'm warning you."
"But, it's all wet and sticky." Edd groaned, causing Gerta to grow concerned.
"I'm fine Gerta, just a Pumpkin waiting to get smashed." Kevin smirked at Eddward as he licked his fingers clean.
"I'll call you later Gerta. We'll continue our conversation then." After exchanging goodbyes, Eddward ended the call and kissed Kevin hungrily.
"You are such a tease, Kevin," he said against his pumpkin's lips. Kevin pulled away and smirked at him.
"You're the one that ignored me to talk with someone else." Edd tilted his head then smiled. His smile became giggles then full out laughter. Kevin blushed and glared.
"What the hell is so funny, you double jerk?"
"Y-You were j-j-jealous," Edd replied still laughing.
"Yeah, so what of it?"
Eddward wiped the tears from his eyes and brought Kevin closer to him. He kissed his lips softly then held him.
"You have no reason to be jealous of Gerta, Kevin. She's my penpal from Norway."
"Well, you don't need a penpal," Kevin pouted then crossed his arms. Eddward laughed once more and tilted Kevin's hat playfully, making him smiled a bit.

That night, Kevin decided to stay over at Eddward's for the night. His parent's were at a dinner party and wouldn't be home until early morning.
"So, what movie shall we watch," Edd asked as he brought in his snacks.
"Lets watch something old!"
"The oldest gilms I possess are Vincent Price films."
"Who's that?" Eddward almost snapped his neck to look at Kevin and saw the genuine curiosity resting on his features.
"We are watching them all," Edd said then placed the dvd in the player.
They watched three movies before Edd fell asleep. Kevin had been sucked into each movie and didn't notice until Edd began to muble in his sleep.
"Don't go," he mumbled. The rest was incoherent. Kevin was going to let it go but a single tear caught his eye and he decided to wake Edd up.
"Edd? Edd wake up. You're dreaming." Edd woke up with a start but calmed down when he saw Kevin looking into his eyes.
"Are you okay?" Edd sat up fully and his face darkened.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"It's a nightmare. There is nothing to talk about." Kevin wanted to press it but decided not to. He instead turned off the television screen and tugged on Edd's hand.
"Come on, lets just go to bed."
Edd nodded and stood to follow Kevin's hatless head. He subconsciously tugged his hat down. When they reached the bed, Edd made sure to keep Kevin close to him. Kevin accepted it and made hiself comfortable.
"Yes, Pumpkin?"
"I'm here when you need me, you know that right?" Edd stiffened, which hadn't gone unnoticed by Kevin. The boy turned to face his...whatever they were and looked him in the eye.
"I mean it. I'm here, and don't even try getting rid of me. I'd fight tooth and nail." Edd chuckled, showing his gapped teeth, but that chuckled hadn't reached his eyes. The nightmare was still fresh on his mind but somehow this night had been better than the others; maybe thanks to the spitfire angel snuggled next to him. But he knew that it couldn't last...

Rev! KevEdd: Of Monster and PumpkinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora