Chapter 8 ' 4th Year (Aka The Year The Old Fool Dig His Grave An Little Deeper)'

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The Potters had Dumbledore use his power to force the sisters (As even the Ministry of Magic knew of the bond and was slightly feared their power) to come to the Potter way of life, and did they hated it, for they was also interest in the dark arts while the Potter rejected the idea and was an strong light magic family. So they refuse to see the Potters as family. Heather curse them too many times, Hermione had hexed Potter Sr, Black and Potter Jr when they prank them, though no one could confirm it. And Bella prank them back, and in every time, they was outside, in front of people that the pranks happen, making them look like fools. So they were at the world cup, bored as ever. While sitting on the top box with Black, Lupin and the Potters, (Though Lilly Potter and Lupin had left them alone much of the time) Bella sense someone that was not there, her sisters also catch up on sensing this person, and merely smile at the House elf sitting next to her. After the game, there was no death eater attack...

At Hogwarts, The Great Fool (Most of the courts, and the sisters had began calling Dumbledore this.) told the school that they were going to be an game. And when the 2 other school came, Fleur Delacour, Viktor Krum and Cedric Diggory became apart of the court. Not because they was chosen to compete, but someone had dragged the sisters into the dam thing too. Everyone in the great hall had felt their lash of magic. Even the Great Fool flinched at such power together. They tamed the dragon that they chosen, with just an few words, And they befriends the merpeople, whom felt the great power of the 3. And they ruin the maze, fighting side to side, showing how powerful the 3 sister were. The Dark Lord did not attack, but only told them he had no wish to attack while the 3 still breath. And that how the Darkest of the Lords of history, work along the 3 sisters... And Dumbledore's shallow Grave, was dig deeper...

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