Chapter 1: How Izuku Met Eren - Part One

Start from the beginning

                  One day, while Izuku and Ochako were pretending to be looking out for villains, Izuku decided to talk to Ochako about something that was bothering him. "Hey Ochako, can I ask you something?" Ochako looked at Izuku with a smile, "Of course Deku, we're bestest friends, you can ask me anything!" Izuku hesitated for a moment to ask her, "Um, do you... do you really think I can be a hero?" Ochako looked baffled by Izuku's question, "Of course I do Deku, why do you ask?" Izuku looked down to floor to conceal the sadness that was on his face, "Everyone says that I might not get a quirk, even my mom is starting to think I might not get my quirk. I just... I just really want to be a hero", Izuku confessed. 

               Tears threatened to leave Izuku's eyes, but before he could even think about crying, Ochako brought Izuku in for a hug, "Deku, don't think like that, you can become a hero. You help people, you care about people being safe, you're nice to people, you'd make a great hero. Even if you're quirkless, I still think you could be a hero." Izuku looked at Ochako with shock, "You... you really think so?" Ochako flashed Izuku a confident smile, "Of course, silly. Now stop feeling sad, and hug me back." Izuku smiled and complied with his friend's request of hugging her. While he was in the middle of hugging her, he noticed that Ochako's body felt lighter, and a few seconds later, Ochako had started floating away. While all this was happening, Ochako had a shocked expression on her face while Izuku had a confused look on his, "Ochako, you never told me that you could make yourself float without touching yourself. When did you learn to do that?", Izuku asked. "I didn't do this, I don't feel like throwing up." Ochako's eyes met Izuku's, and smiled as she realized what might have happened, "Izuku, I think this was you, you used your quirk!", Ochako shouted with delight while she was still floating. "But, how do you know it wasn't you who did this?", Izuku questioned, still unsure about finally having his quirk manifesting. "Like I said silly, I don't feel like throwing up. Also, your eyes turned red", Ochako pointed out.

                     It was at that moment in Izuku's life that he knew that he could finally become a hero. Izuku smiled brightly as he started jumping around with excitement, however that excitement was cut short when he remembered that he had to get Ochako down. Izuku pressed the pads on his fingertips, and muttered the word "release", which caused Ochako to start fall down fast. She ended up falling on top of Izuku, luckily she wasn't too high up, otherwise Izuku probably would have had a badly hurt back. As Ochako got off of Izuku, and helped him up, the redness in his eyes disappeared, and they turned back to their normal green color. Izuku looked at Ochako with excitement, "I have a quirk, I have a quirk, I have a quirk! I have a quirk, and it's just like yours! We can really be Deku and Uravity!", Izuku exclaimed. "I know, it's really amazing Deku! Wait a minute... I never told you how I turn off my quirk, so how did you know that you need to touch your fingers together, and say 'release'?", Ochako asked. Izuku shrugged, "I don't know, it just came to me," he admitted. Izuku thought about something for a second before his eyes lit up, "Wait, I have a quirk now, I got to go tell my mommy about this. Thanks for playing with me Ochako, I'll see you later!", Izuku told his friend as he ran home while waving goodbye to Ochako. "I'll see you later Deku!", Ochako yelled to her friend as she also waved goodbye.

                Saying that Izuku's mom Inko was surprised about Izuku's recent discovery would be an understatement; saying that Inko was shocked and confused... that was the more appropriate way of describing her at that moment. It wasn't so much the fact that Izuku had a quirk that shocked her, what shocked her was what his quirk was, and what had happened when he first used his new power. Hearing that her son's quirk was similar to his friend's quirk, and that his eyes turned red made no sense to her. She knew that Izuku wouldn't really lie to her, so thinking that this could all be a joke was out of the question. Inko decided to do the most logical thing, and take her son to the doctor to see what was going on with Izuku and his quirk. 

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